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02-86741111 分機 67060 jma@ntpu.edu.tw 社科大樓6F08

臺北大學國際事務處副國際長 (現職)
臺北大學國際事務處境外生事務組組長 (現職)
臺灣人口學會理事 (現職)
臺北大學國際事務處國際教育發展組組長 (2021-23)
科技部高中生人文及社會科學營共同主持人 (2020-2022)
世新大學社會心理學系專任助理教授 (2018)

美國University of Connecticut社會學博士
Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma, Ph.D.  is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at National Taipei University.  He also serves as Director of International Education and Engagement Section, Office of International Affairs at National Taipei University.  His primary areas of research interests are social stratification and inequality, the sociology of education, the sociology of the family, comparative/global sociology, and teens and social media.  His past research has centered on how macro-structural forces such as human capital investment and income inequality influence the role of digital technology and the life chances of adolescent students.  Other work has focused on the family formation (e.g., transition into parenthood and entry into marriage) among East Asian young adults.  Recently, he has been gathering quantitative and qualitative data to examine the effect of COVID-19 on adolescent students' learning.  A goal of this research is to understand how the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the digital divide, which has created a new form of the (e)learning gap and worsened educational disparities.  His new line of research in teens and social media examines the causes and consequences of cyberbullying among teenagers.  He has published articles in Social Forces, Sociological Forum, Social Indicators Research, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, International Sociology, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Population Studies, and Survey Research-Method and Application.
開課狀況 & 課程大綱
  • 社會統計 (社會科學量化研究─基礎概念) <Part I, Part II>
  • 社會統計實作 (社會科學量化研究─基礎操作) <Part I, Part II>


研究1: Digital Divides, Education, and Inequality from A Cross-National Comparative Perspective
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
  • 馬國勳、陳婉琪、廖恩彩*,2022,〈新冠疫情下大專生的家庭經濟狀況、心理狀態、學習困境與知覺到的學校資源〉。《調查研究—方法與應用》,49: 187-264。 *為本系學生 (Web) (Full Text)
  • Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. 2021. “The digital divide at school and at home: A comparison between schools by socioeconomic level across 47 countries.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 62(2): 115-140. (Web) (Full Text)
  • Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma, Todd Vachon, and Simon Cheng. 2019. “National income, political freedom, and investments in R&D and education: A Comparative analysis of the second digital divide among 15-year-old students.” Social Indicators Research, 144(1): 133-166. (Web) (Full Text)
  • Todd Vachon and Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. 2015. “Bargaining for success: Examining the relationship between teacher unions and student achievement.” Sociological Forum 30(2): 391-414. (Web)  (Full Text)
  • Simon Cheng, Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma, and Stacy Missari. 2014. “The effects of internet use on adolescents’ first romantic and sexual relationships in Taiwan.” International Sociology 29(4): 324-347. (Web)  (Full Text)


  • Josef Kuo-hsun Ma and Simon Cheng. 2022. Adolescent Well-being and ICT Use: Social and Policy Implications. Springer Cham. (Web)

Book Chapters:

  • Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. In press. “Global digital divide.” In the second edition of The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer, Chris Rojek, and J. Michael Ryan. Blackwell. (Web)
  • Rianka Roy, Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma, and Simon Cheng. 2023. “Digital divide and youth development in the early twenty-first century.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems, edited by Rajendra Baikady et al. Springer. (Web)
  • Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. 2023. “Digital learning divide.” In the fourth edition of The International Encyclopedia of Education, edited by Fazal Rizvi and Dr Jason Beech. Elsevier. (Web)
  • Simon Cheng and Josef Kuo-hsun Ma. 2018. “Children, adolescents, and the internet.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of the Internet, 3v, edited by Barney Warf. SAGE: Thousand Oaks. (Web)
研究2: Family Formation, Gender, and Transition to Adulthood
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
  • Yi-Ping Hsieh, Hsi-Sheng Wei, Yu-Sheng Lin, and Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. 2023. Understanding the Dynamics of Unwanted Online Sexual Solicitation Among Youth in Taiwan: Vulnerability and Resilience Factors.” Archives of Sexual Behavior. (Web)
  • Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma and Chin-Chun Yi. 2020. Intergenerational Influences, Educational Expectation, and Transition to Parenthood Among Young Taiwanese Adults. Journal of Population Studies 61: 51-96. 中文標題:晚生或不生?探討教育期望對生育年齡的影響。《人口學刊》61,51-96。 (Web)  (Full Text)
  • Chin-Chun Yi, Wen-Hsu Lin, and Josef Kuo-hsun Ma. 2019. “Marital Satisfaction among Taiwanese Young Married Couples: The Importance of Cultural Norms.” Journal of Family Issues, 40(1): 2015–2043. (Web)
  • Simon Cheng, Laura Hamilton, Stacy Missari, and Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma. 2014. “Sexual Subjectivity among Adolescent Girls: Social Disadvantage and Young Adult Outcomes.” Social Forces 93(2): 515-544. (Web)
  • 2022/8/1~2024/7/31
    新冠疫情下的遠距教學:系統文獻回顧法與後設分析的應用。行政院國家科學委員會,NTD$ 917,000。計畫主持人。MOST 111-2410-H-305 -049 -MY2
  • 2021/9/1~2022/11/30
    新冠肺炎社會影響評估規劃案。110年科技部人文社會科學研究中心,NTD$ 1,500,000。共同主持人。MOST 110-2420-H-002-003-MY3-P11003
  • 2021/9/1~2022/8/31
    高中生人文及社會科學營。行政院國家科學委員會,NTD$ 16,194,000。共同主持人。MOST 110-2424-H-002-022-MY2
  • 2019/9/1~2021/11/30
    高中生人文及社會科學營。行政院國家科學委員會,NTD$ 16,292,000。共同主持人。MOST 108-2420-H-002-030-MY2
  • 2019/8/1~2020/12/31
    台灣國、高中生數位學習不平等的趨勢分析:2006-2018。行政院國家科學委員會,NTD$ 503,000。計畫主持人。MOST 108-2410-H-305-072