- 大學部 全球化、公民社會 、女性主義、社會學、社會思想史、拉丁美洲研究
- 碩士班 社會運動、拉丁美洲社會與發展、性別與社會
- 碩專班 女性主義理論
- 2020 Doing Masculinities: Exploring Gender and Age in Professionalizing Family Day Care in Taiwan. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 28 (2): 206-222. (with Jing-Yi Wang)
- 2020 Gendered symbols and habitus in collective action: Street protests in Taiwan, 1997-2006. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 26 (1): 55-73.
- 2019 Exploring identities and practices of Taiwanese men working in family day care: A Tentative Typology. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(8): 883-894.
- 2019 翻轉男性氣概?提供居家托育服務的男性。《性別平等教育季刊》,87:37-40。
- 2018 Early activism and work arrangement of young feminists in Mexico City. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(4): 457-472.
- 2015 男性居家托育照顧者:聯合托育中的認同與性別分工。《女學學誌》,36:105-144。(與劉奕均合著)
- 2014 How to become a feminist activist after the institutionalization of the women's movements? The generational development of feminist identity and politics in Mexico City. Frontiers. Journal of Women's Studies, 35(3), 183-206.
- 2014 Identidad latinoamericana de jóvenes activistas en espacios políticos internacionales. Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales, 10(1), 21–34.
- 2013 Campaña contra mortalidad materna: Un análisis de las estrategias discursivas feministas en el Perú. La Ventana. Revista de Estudios de Género , IV(37), 231–261.
- 2012 Análisis de los sitios web del movimiento por los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en México. Sociedade e Cultura, 15(1), 87–98.
- 2011 街頭抗爭的暴力邏輯,《台灣社會學刊》,46:167-205。(與沈幼蓀、陳雅蓁合著)
- 2011 保護誰的生命?秘魯「婦女運動」公共議題之框架,《新聞學研究》109:121-166。
- 2004 De los encuentros feministas a las campañas transnacionales: Surgimiento y desarrollo de los movimientos transnacionales de mujeres en América Latina. La Ventana. Revista de los Estudios de Género, 20(2), 267–292.
- 2002 Movimientos de mujeres en transición. El caso de Chile. Cefiro, 2, 56–61.
- 2001 Interne Aspekte des Netzwerkes und seine Handlungsfahigkeiten. Das Beispiel eines Frauengesundheitsnetzwerkes in Lateinamerika und in der Karibik. Zeitschrift fuer Frauenforschung & Geschlechterstudien, 19(1+2), 151–162.
- Chen, Yin-Zu; Tanaka, Hiromi, 2014, “Women’s empowerment” In: Michalos, Alex C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer Reference, pp. 7154-7156.
- Chen, Yin- Zu, 2011, “Between frames and collective actions: A proposal for the analysis of social movements” In: Mendoza Martinez, Emma (ed), Collective action. Selected cases in Asia and Latin America, Ciudad de Colima: Universidad de Colima and Utsunomiya University, Mexico and Japan, pp. 21-35.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2010, “Los marcos interpretativos feministas: una propuesta para el análisis de los movimientos sociales”, p. 233-246, In: Delgado de Smith, Yamile; González, María Cristina (ed.) Mujeres en el Mundo: Multiculturalismo, violencia, trabajo, literatura y movimientos sociales. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2007, “En busca de espacios transnacionales de acción: El ejemplo de movimientos feministas en América Latina” , p.253-266, In: Delgado de Smith, Yamile; Gonzalez, Maria Cristina (ed.) Mujeres en el Mundo: Historia, Revoluciones, Dictaduras, Trabajo, Religion y Poesía. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2006, “Redes en movimientos: Las redes transnacionales de mujeres hacia la regionalizacion, p. 287-302, In: Delgado de Smith, Yamile; González, María Cristina (ed.): Mujeres en el Mundo. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Chen, Yin-Zu, 2003, “Zwischen Netzwerken und Bewegungen. Methodische Fragen empirischer Forschung transnationaler Frauenbewegungen.” In: Allmendinger, Jutta (Hg.): Entstaatlichung und soziale Sicherheit. Verhandlungen des 31. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Soziologie in Leipzig 2002. 2 Bande + CD-ROM. Opladen: Leske + Budrich
- 陳韻如,2019,書評 Social Movements in Taiwan’s Democratic Transition: Linking activists to the Changing Political Environment. By Yun Fan. New York, NY: Routledge. Pp. xiv+160. 2018. 《台灣社會學刊 》,65。
- 陳韻如,2009,書評:理性與情感如何結合?評介 C. Julia Hunag, 2009, Charisma and Compassion. Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement. Harvard University Press.《研究台灣》,5:139-143。
- 陳韻如,2008,書評:性別、國際脈絡、社會運動:論《社會志-社會運動篇》,《研究台灣》,3:95-105。
Yin-Zu Chen, 2019, Translating Feminism into Practices of Intimacy: The Case of Feminists in Mexico City. AtGender Spring Conference. Gijon, Spain, 9-11 May 2019.
- Yin-Zu Chen and Jing-Yi Wang, 2018, Doing Masculinities: Exploring Gender and Age in Professionalizing Family Day Care. Gender, Work & Organisation Conference. Sydney, Australia, 13-16 June 2018.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2017, Entre lo personal y lo político: Las prácticas de intimidad de las jóvenes feministas. International Colloquium of History of Women and Gender in Mexico, UC San Diego, San Diego, 2-4 March.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2017, Bodies in Collective Action: Protests against House Demolition and Land Requisition in Taiwan 1989–2012. The First Mobilization Conference on Social Movements and Protest: Nonviolent Strategies and the State, San Diego State University, 5-6 May.
- 陳韻如,2017, Exploring identities and practices of men working in family day care: A tentative typology. 台灣社會學年會,輔仁大學。
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2016, “Biographical consequences of Activism: A case study of young activists in Mexico City.” UTokyo LAINAC Conference. The Power of Memory: Perspectives from Latin America. Tokyo, Japan, 10-12 June.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2015, Gender and street protests in Taiwan, XII Conference of the European Sociological Association. Prague, Czech Republic, 25-28 August 2015.
- 陳韻如、李翊維,2015,Gender and street protests in Taiwan. XII Conference of the European Sociological Association. Prague, Czech Republic.
- 陳韻如、梁思婷,2015,裸身作為社會運動的武器:同志運動和其他社會運動之比較。高雄:中山大學。
- 陳韻如,2014,Gendered Tactics: Analysis of women in street protests in Taiwan from 1997 to 2006. 12月,新竹:清華大學。
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2014, How to Become a Feminist Activist after the Institutionalization of the Women’s Movements. Young Feminists in Mexico.XVIII World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, Japan, 13-18 July 2014.
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2014, Bridging Differences: Feminist Alliance of Peruvian Women's Health Movement. XVIII World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, Japan, 13-18 July 2014.
- 陳韻如,2010,長幼有序、男女無別?大學社團中的年級與性別。台灣女學會研討會,屏東教育大學 10月。
- Yin-Zu, Chen, 2010, Internet's Strategies of Social Movement in Mexico City. XVII World Congress of Sociology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-17 July 2010.
- 陳韻如,2009,虛擬世界裡的社會運動組織:以墨西哥青少年性與生育人權運動為例。台灣社會學年會,東吳大學。
- Yin-Zu Chen, 2009, "Agentes sociales, Medios de Comunicacion y Globalizacion." International Congress of Americanists. July 19-24, Mexico City.
- 陳韻如、沈幼蓀、陳雅蓁,2009,街頭抗爭的暴力邏輯,社會運動的年代學術研討會,6月12-13日,中山大學社會研究所。
Yin-zu Chen, 2019, Alternative Care: Elder Male Childminders in Taiwan. In: Taiwan Insight. The online magazine of the Taiwan Studies Programme. https://taiwaninsight.org/2019/03/04/alternative-care-elder-male-childminders-in-taiwan/
陳韻如,2018 , 女性候選人在哪裡可獲得較多選票?派系、政治世家和政黨之外的地方因素。《新知通訊》,328: 54-58。原文刊登於巷仔口社會學(https://twstreetcorner.org/2018/12/25/chenyunru/)
陳韻如,2014,從性別觀點看服貿。《台灣女科技人電子報》,78,科技人論壇。(與台北大學女性主義課程成員合著), http://www2.tku.edu.tw/~tfst/078FST/forum/078forum1.pdf。
陳韻如,2008,〈由私人到公眾─ 從公共性看公民社會的形成〉, 《新使者》,104:4-7。
Chen, Yin-Zu, 2002, “Feministinnentreffen, Frauennetzwerke und Aktionskampagnen in Lateinamerika.” Solidaridad. Berichte und Analysen aus Chile, Mai-August 2002, Nr. 220/221 –23. Jg. S.15-17.
Chen, Yin-Zu, 2002, “Frauen(Korper) in Perioden: Einige Gedanken uber Menstruationsurlaub in Taiwan¨Ruberta, Nr. 7, Jg. 7, November 2002, S. 31-32.
Chen, Yin-Zu, 2001, “Vom Frauennetzwerk zur internationalen Organisation. Das Frauengesundheitsnetzwerk in Lateinamerika.” Infobrief NRO-Frauenforum, Nr. 1/2001, S. 9-10. ”
吳佳蓉(2017):幼托整合下教保服務人員分工及自我認同 -- 以新北市公立幼兒園為例
- 李翊維(2016):創「價」創「家」─創價學會性別實踐之探討
- 梁思婷(2016):裸身作為抗議工具:性別、媒體與行動者
- 韓 蓉 (2015):未婚女老師的親密關係
- 黃秀翎(2015) 街頭抗爭邏輯的再檢視:台灣新聞影音資料2007年到2012年(和沈幼蓀共同指導)
- 陳怡翔(2014):人民保母難為—探討刑警及派出所警察之父職意涵與實踐
- 鄭婉婷(2013):社會運動的媒體呈現
- 劉奕均(2013):從性別觀點分析男保母與配偶之聯合托育工作
- 劉欣怡(2012):男性工作世界中的「新兵」-以我國女性自願役士兵為例
- 汪芷芸(2010):鬥陣挺樂生!?青年樂生聯盟與台灣人權促進會團體之演變
- 林郁欣(2009):從性別觀點看育兒雜誌中男性參與懷孕生產的說法
- 郭雅萍(2009):誰說墮胎是問題-由聯合報新聞看墮胎爭議(1971- 2008)
- 王靖媛(2009):社會運動中的跨國扣連與合作-以台南七股環境運動為例
- 吳文萱(2009):以國中教師在校的互動對象與位置分析其穿著
- 陳雅蓁(2009):警方抗議處理對街頭運動暴力變化的影響