+886-2-8674-1111 #67053
紐約州立大學奧本尼分校University at Albany-SUNY
社會學博士 2021
人文社會學院學士班學士 (2007-2012)
- 古典社會學理論
- 社會學研究方法實作
- 教育社會學
- 移民研究
- 台灣社會研究
- 社會學分析(研究所)
- Kenneth Han Chen and John Chung-En Liu . 2024. "Overcoming stigma: How academic ghostwriting companies neutralize their services in Chinese and English markets." Higher Education. (SSCI) Forthcoming.
- Kenneth Han Chen. 2023. "Pipelines of Schooling: Pathways to the United States and Rent-Seeking Practices by Education Agents." International Journal of Educational Development. 97. 102714.(SSCI)
- *Kenneth Han Chen. 2022. “Cyber Divided: How Taiwanese International Students Make Identity Boundaries within Social Network Sites.” Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, 14(2) 11-25.
- *Kenneth Han Chen and Elizabeth Popp Berman. 2022. "Buying into the Meritocracy: Taiwanese Students and the Market for College Admissions Services." Sociology of Education, 95(1) 23-42.(SSCI)
Angie Chung,*Kenneth Han Chen, Gowoon Jung and Muyang Li.2018. “Thinking Outside the Box: The National Context for Educational Preparation and Adaptation among Chinese and Korean International Students.” Research in Comparative and International Education 13(3), 418-438(Scopus).
- Kenneth Han Chen. 2023. “Education consultants’ work and international education: an examination of the technical and emotional dimensions” In Student Recruitment Agents in International Higher Education: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective on Challenges and Best Practices, edited by Pii-Tuulia Nikula, Vincenzo Raimo and Eddie West. Routledge.
- 2023/5/1~2025/6/30。留學教育市場的前世今生:國家、菁英與大眾的「外包」市場。行政院國家科學與技術委員會(新進人員研究計畫)。計畫主持人。NSTC 112-2410-H-305-002-MY2
- 2023/4/1~2023/12/31。 影響本校經濟或文化不利學生國際移動學習相關活動因素分析。國立臺北大學校務研究計畫。計畫主持人。
陳克瀚。 (2023)【書評】雙語政策討論的堅實基礎──《全球在地化在英語檢定測驗的體現:「全民英檢」》。政府出版品資訊網。https://gpi.culture.tw/News/16466
陳克瀚。 (2023) 【書評】資優特殊教育的實用教學指南:《社調高手:從研究到發表(教師手冊)》。政府出版品資訊網。https://gpi.culture.tw/News/16399
- 陳克瀚(2022),〈中國菁英高中、秀異與全球功績主義:評 Study Gods〉。《台灣社會學》44:195-203。
- 陳克瀚(2022),〈教育商品的能與不能:批踢踢留學版案例的反思〉,《巷仔口社會學》。台灣社會學會。https://twstreetcorner.org/2022/10/13/kenneth-han-chen/
- Kenneth Han Chen. 2022. Review of Chasing the American Dream in China: Chinese Americans in the Ancestral Homeland by Leslie Kim Wang. Contemporary Sociology 51(5): 422-425.
- Kenneth Han Chen. 2019. “The Critical Functions of Taiwanese Education Agents During the Era of Commercialization in Global Higher Education.” Taiwan Insight Digest. Available online at: https://taiwaninsight.org/2019/09/25/the-critical-functions-of-taiwanese-education- agents-during-the-era-of-commercialisation-in-global-higher-education/
- Kenneth Han Chen and Gowoon Jung. 2018. “Migration Consultant Activity and Lecture.” TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association. Available online at: http://trails.asanet.org/Pages/Resource.aspx?ResourceID= 13576