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5/28(二) Andre VAN DOKKUM (澳門大學社會系兼任助理教授)Preparation and improvisation in anthropological research

講題:Preparation and improvisation in anthropological research
講師:Andre VAN DOKKUM (澳門大學社會系兼任助理教授)
時間:113/05/28(二) 12:00-14:00



Andre VAN DOKKUM,澳門大學社會系兼任助理教授,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹自由大學社會科學博士。研究興趣包含政治人類學、人類學與歷史、莫三比克等。著有《Nationalism and territoriality in Barue and Mozambique: independence, belonging, contradiction》等書。


The idea of the research proposal may give the impression that the practical execution of social-scientific research in the field can be largely defined beforehand. In many realistic cases this will not be the case, and the actual research design will continue during the actual data collecting activities. In fact, some research design aspects can only be formulated during the fieldwork. The present presentation will elaborate these issues using a real example, that of researching democracy in local settings in Barue District, Mozambique. Topics include: contradictory views on research proposals; design of questionnaires; conceptualization of the research; and reading of literature.