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5/15(三) Andrew Argue(國立中山大學企管所博士生)、Eva Botermans、Alexandre Thomas(國立臺北大學社會所交換生)Writing your MA thesis around the world



講題:Writing your MA thesis around the world

講師:Andrew Argue(國立中山大學企管系博士生)、Eva Botermans(荷蘭烏特勒支大學碩士生)、Alexandre Thomas(荷蘭烏特勒支大學碩士生)

時間:113/05/15(三) 12:00-14:00

Andrew Argue,國立中山大學國際經營管理碩士學程105級畢業生,曾於2019年歐洲組織研究年會上發表碩士論文,目前就讀於國立中山大學企管系博士班。Eva Botermans與Alexandre thoma為荷蘭烏特勒支大學碩士生,目前為國立臺北大學社會所交換生。


Writing your Master’s thesis can be a daunting task. However, it can also help you grow personally by experiencing new places and opportunities, and by opening up your mind to new ways of thinking. Rather than just another obstacle to obtaining your degree, writing a thesis is an opportunity to explore a topic that you find interesting in real depth. Not only can you find your own interesting answers to questions that have been on your mind, but you will learn how to engage with an ongoing conversation among other scholars who have been studying the same questions. Learning the craft of research and understanding on how to write in a way that provides value to specific audiences are skills that will benefit you for years to come.