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講題: Human Trafficking and the Role of Social Work
講者:Heather Moore, MSW
翻譯:高小帆 小姐
主持:馬宗潔  副教授(東吳大學社會工作學系)
 內容簡介:Presenter, Heather Moore, MSW, will discuss the critical role of the social work profession in transforming victims into survivors. Ms. Moore will touch on the following points, highlighting the unique skills social workers bring to the anti-trafficking movement worldwide.
I.        Discussion of the scope of human trafficking, including key identifiers
II.     Overview of survivor needs for services(倖存者的服務需求)
III. Why social workers do it best(為什麼社會工作者是最佳的服務提供者)
IV. Challenges and Rewards(挑戰與回報)
V.  Q&A-Open Discussion(問與答)
講者介紹:Heather Moore, MSW
A graduate from Columbia University School of Social Work, Heather has over ten years’ experience working and volunteering with a wide variety of agencies serving survivors of violence and trauma.   She has worked in a number of countries in service provision, community and program development for women and youth, including Cameroon, Tanzania, Burundi, and Australia.  Heather’s work with survivors of human trafficking began nearly five years ago when she joined CAST to establish the country’s first women’s shelter dedicated exclusively for survivors of trafficking As Client Services Director, Heather works with direct services staff to ensure clients receive sensitive and appropriate care for their healthcare, social, and legal services needs. Heather chairs the Los Angeles Anti-Trafficking Collaborative, a coalition of service providers dedicated to expanding and strengthening services to trafficking survivors in Los Angeles County and works with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Taskforce on Human Trafficking.   She is a certified Freedom Network Training Institute trainer and provides trainings and consultation to service providers, attorneys, law enforcement, and community groups. Heather has presented at numerous venues and conferences to a variety of audiences on the issue of human trafficking and sits on the California State Advisory Council on Refugee Assistance and Services. 