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(碩士班:蔡佳青) (指導教授:王雅各)


  • 研究生:蔡佳青
  • 論文名稱:八面玲瓏:台灣蘋果日報政治立場之初探
  • 指導教授:王雅各
  • 關鍵字:蘋果日報 ; 政治立場 ; 議題設定 ; 內容分析 ; 小報
  • [摘要]




  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    Taiwan Apple’s Daily has been regarded by many people as a tabloid. On often heard that readers do not pay any attention to its political news (if there any!) to the point that upon buying the paper, they immediately throw away the politics. And yet social phenomena always tend to have their subtle parts. In this research, I adopt content analysis to examine whether the conventional wisdom has its wits. A comparison with the contents, rhetoric’s, and presentational styles with the “big three “newspapers (i.e., United Daily News, The China Times, and the Liberty Times) leads me to conclude that Taiwan Apple’ Daily may not be so different. The Apple’s Daily is actually using many effective strategies to promote its sales. These strategies include abide by the ideological divide of Taiwan (i.e., The United Daily and The China Taiwan of “blue” and The Liberty Times of “green”); giving various “balances” to both sides, going the opposite direction, and to pleas the most people. Essentially, the story of Taiwan Apple’s Daily’s success-it has eventually emerged as the fourth largest (some even say it is the biggest newspaper in Taiwan. This study explains the background, process, and factors contribute to the transplant of a (formerly British) colonial newspaper to a democratic socialization to be ill corporate into a foreign land. We also find, through this research, that Taiwan is a highly politicized society and that it is very difficult to distinguish quality papers and tabloid in Taiwan.