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(碩士班:陳家如) (指導教授:林桂綉)


  • 研究生:陳家如
  • 論文名稱:學校因素對學生學業成就的影響
  • 指導教授:林桂綉
  • 關鍵字:學校效果 ; 學業成就 ; 階層線性模型
  • [摘要]


    本研究的資料來自中研院「青少年資料庫」以及教育部統計資料,樣本數為1956人,共有39所學校,涵蓋地區為台北縣市以及宜蘭縣市。研究變項主要分為個人以及學校層次變項。個人層次變項有「學測成績」、「國小平均成績」、「性別」、「家長平均教育程度」以及「家庭收入」。其中,「學測成績」為依變項。學校變項為「學校學生數」、「學校平均升學成績」、「學校家長平均教育程度」以及「學校所在地區」。基於本研究的資料是叢集抽樣得來,為了顧及群體之間的差異,因此使用階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model,簡稱HLM)來分析本研究。


  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    In Taiwan, the role of school has never been a main concern in studies of educational attainment. Yet some evidences have shown the need to reconsider the impact of school on students' achievement. This thesis is conducted to examine a more complete model of student educational attainment with both individual and contextual factors included, and explore how educational equality could been influenced by school.

    A sample of survey data provides experiential evidence. Data of analysis comes from the project “Health Behavior Adjustment from Adolescence to Early Adulthood” conducted by Institute of Sociology of Academia Sinica. For purpose of multilevel analysis, technique of Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) is applied.

    The analysis demonstrates the impact of school at two levels. At the school level, difference of mean scores is found between schools, and several school-level factors in contribution to that difference are identified. At the individual level, students' scores are found influenced by several school level factors, net of other individual level factors such as the effects of respondents' previous achievement and parents' educational degree. These results tend to support a more conflict explanation of role of school, which states that schools helps increase the inequality of social class.