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(碩士班:洪懿諄) (指導教授:沈幼蓀)


  • 研究生:洪懿諄
  • 論文名稱:全球化與所得分配:跨國性的比較
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵字:所得分配 ; 全球化 ; 跨國分析 ; 國外直接投資流動 ; 資訊通信科技普及
  • [摘要]

    90年代以後,全球化相關理論逐漸成形,Giddens(1990, 1991)認為全球化是世界性社會關係的強化,是現代性的結果,影響力及於全球;Held等人(1999)則認為全球化是社會關係與處置措施等空間性組織發生轉變,而產生跨週或跨國活動、互動及權力運作的流動與網絡,當代具有「濃密全球化」的特徵。全球化在各層面產生影響,本研究在觀察並批判資本主義發展的社會學傳統之下,關注全球化帶來的不平等問題,並以所得分配做為衡量不平等的重要面向。全球化為一歷史過程,各國所得分配所受衝擊亦不同,這與一國的國內結構性條件,對外依賴程度及與世界市場力互動的過程,既有的歷史架構等有關。因此本研究目的一為檢視1995年以後,全球化對所得分配的影響;二為檢視在現代化理論、依賴/世界體系理論重要變項的影響下,全球化對所得分配的影響為何,並且在經濟人文發展程度不同的國家,情況又有何不同。




  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    Many studies have been focusing on income distribution. Modernization theories and dependency/world system theories provide explanations of income distribution across nations. Since the concept of globalization has been used a lot today, and theories of globalization have been mature at 1990’s, the affections of globalization have been noticed. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the affections of globalization on income distribution across nations after 1995.

    From globalization theories (Giddens 1990, Held et al. 1999), I conclude two important dimensions of globalization and construct indicators of globalization: the flow of foreign direct investment and the diffusion of technologies of information and communication. I also investigate how globalization effects income distribution, when considering conditions and structures in a nation, and relations between nations. I analyze a cross-national data set with 95 countries, independent and control variables dated from 1995 to 1998, dependent variable dated in 2004.

    From regression models, I find that not all the dimensions of globalization have negative effect on income distribution. The flow of foreign direct investment has significant negative effect on income distribution, but the diffusion of communication technologies has significant positive effect on income distribution. When nations are classified according to human and economic situations, I find that globalization has more negative effects in less developed countries than in other countries. In this paper I suggest that in future studies, people can investigate effects of globalization on income distribution with longitudinal analysis, and different dimensions of globalization.