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(碩士班:江欣珊) (指導教授:郭文般)


  • 研究生:江欣珊
  • 論文名稱:從社會關係看宗教參與行為-以佛教徒為例
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵字:宗教參與 ; 個人特質 ; 社會關係 ; 佛教徒 ; 團體活動
  • [摘要]

    涂爾幹、韋伯各自代表了偏重社會、偏重個人層次討論宗教參予的取向,其後Peter Berger融合兩種不同的取向,提出了似真結構,這結構是個人瞭解、詮釋世界的框架,也深受外在社會的影響;而個人的社會關係是重點。國外對宗教徒參與宗教行為的實證研究指出社會關係是重要的影響力,甚至社會關係比個人特質更能解釋宗教徒的行為。國內些許的研究指出社會關係有重要影響,但是,這些研究主題侷限於宗教團體的徵募過程。本研究起始的假設是社會關係對宗教徒的行為造成影響。



  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    Neither to lay particular stress on society, nor on individual, Follow the Peter Berger’s conception ”plausibility structure”, the structure is the framework that individual use it to understand the world ,and the significant others affect that. The American researches have validate the influence of plausibility structure on religious involvement, but in Taiwan some qualitative researches has testified the influence of the plausibility structure.

    I assume the plausibility structure is more important than the individual background to affect individual religious involvement. Use the sociogical change data(1999),and via multiple regression and binary logical regression , I wish to compare the influence of two conceptions---the individual background and the religious relationships. Take Buddhist for example, accounting property of the religious behaviors, the influences of independent variables are somewhat different. The religious religious relationships than the individual background has more influences on the involvement of religious groups. But the individual background affect the money giving to the Buddhist groups. All the independent variables can not explain the variances of the Buddhist’s religious beliefs. After all, some finding support the original assumption ,but some reject the assumption.