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(碩士班:傅子豪) (指導教授:楊榮宗)

  • 研究生:傅子豪
  • 論文名稱:「變成」人體模特兒: 身體操作機制分析及身體展演
  • 指導教授:楊榮宗
  • 關鍵字:身體操作+人體模特兒+印象整飭+身體展演+裸體+身體客體化
  • [摘要]


    本研究的詮釋分析揉合身體社會學、法國社會理論,以及符號互動論的觀點,並借用「身體展演(performing of the body)」(Anna,1997)概念。透過人體模特兒的工作及身體經驗闡述,了解身體操作的過程,操作機制包括主體自我控制,以及外在因素介入。人體模特兒如何透過身體-介面意識到身體的轉變,自我身體概念的形成-建立身體論述,解釋在身體展演的過程中,透過印象整飭的技巧,身體權力運作,建立「裸體專業外衣」的形象,達到與色情區分的目的,「變成」藝術市場所需的人體模特兒。

  • [ 英文摘要 ]

    This research uses interview and participant observation to understand the experience of models, regarding body as mediator, distinguishing two ways of analysis:the one is how the society or the environment affects the body of models; and another one is how individual body respond and be dealt when the performing of body. “Becoming” model is an important process, from which body of models is manipulated to which models control body by themselves, and also from changing recognition of body to rebuilding the image of nude.

    This research combines sociology of the body, French social theory, symbolic interactionism, and “performing of the body”(Anna,1997)to analyze the experience of model. According to description of work and body experience, this paper will explains how models build body discourse, and the image “the professional clothes of nude”, using skills of impression management and technology of body discipline, to separate pornography.