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  • 研究生:尤信民
  • 論文名稱:從卡通「經典」角色的粉絲消費探討消費文化與認同——以奇奇蒂蒂為例
  • 指導教授:葉欣怡
  • 關鍵字:迪士尼、奇奇蒂蒂、消費文化、消費認同、粉絲文化

  • 論文中文摘要





  • 論文英文摘要

This study aims to explore the symbolic significance of cartoon-licensed products to consumers in contemporary consumer culture, focusing on the super fans of the Disney classic cartoon characters "Chip 'n' Dale" as the research subjects. Nowadays, consumption is not merely a transaction of material exchange but also a pursuit of symbols and meanings that is dominated by commercial interests. The converging of culture and commodities have become part of people's daily lives, with avenues such as advertising and mass media continuing to influence consumer behavior and decisions.

The literature review focuses on the concept of consumption and modernity, evolving from mere commodity consumption to the consumption of symbols and meanings, particularly through the theories of thinkers like Baudrillard, reflecting on the cultural industry and consumer culture. The research method was a semi-structured interview targeting eight stans of Chip 'n' Dale to understand their emotional connection to the characters, their motivations for consuming related products, and the symbols hidden behind their consumption.

The study finds that for ‘stans’ (super fans) of Chip 'n' Dale, this cartoon character represents multiple meanings, serving not only as the focal point of life and a spiritual refuge but also as a mediator of social and interpersonal relationships. They not only readily accept all the characterizations of Chip 'n' Dale but also fully embrace the intensely commercialized cultural commodification, treating these Chip 'n' Dale-related products as symbolic meanings to express self-identity and emotional projection. Stans are not shopaholics. A fan’s consumption behavior is not blindly following but rather considering the symbolic meanings of products, consuming in response to needs, and exhibiting rational and restrained aspect.

By researching how symbols in Disney merchandise influence fan consumption identities, we can understand the psychological motivations and social significance behind consumer behavior—how fans, through symbolic consumption, shape and express their individual and group identities.