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Purpose: This study, through interviews with student-athletes, understands their overall career development process, reveals the influencing factors, and attempts to describe the career development model of the student-athletes in the basketball field. Method: Collect data from five high-achieving sports students through interviews to find out the different influences on the career development of high-sporting high-achieving students, and analyze the interview data to outline the overall career development of students situation. Results: Basketball-specialized athletes will be affected differently at each stage of their career development, and the impact is related and long-term. Among them, the biggest impact is that the long-term specialization leads to a single choice, which makes it easy for them in career development. Prioritize the field of study; Secondly, career development choices are reduced due to specialization in technical subjects. When faced with future career choices, they should choose more professional subjects or occupations that do not require higher education. The research shows that high-achieving student-athletes have an important role in future planning. There are three types, one is to extend the expertise of technical subjects, the other is to work that does not need to apply the knowledge of the higher education stage as the goal, and the last type is at a loss for the future. Conclusion: This study found that the career development of student-athletes in the basketball field is limited to the field of sports due to the influence of the sports education system. The student-athletes have not achieved balanced development, and the career development of them has a fixed pattern. In this regard, this study proposes improved policies based on the existing education system for future development.