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  • 研究生:蘇映如
  • 論文名稱:性別刻板印象、數學能力和職業對就業表現的影響
  • 指導教授:陳婉琪
  • 關鍵字:性別刻板印象、數學能力、職業、就業表現
  • 論文中文摘要
三、就讀 STEM 科系可以顯著提高個人的社會經濟地位,男性提高的程度比女性高。但就讀 STEM 科系並沒有顯著提高個人的薪資收入(可能受限於 STEM分類的關係)。

  • 論文英文摘要
What factors affect individual labor market outcome, including personal salary and the corresponding socioeconomic status? In Taiwan, there exists a gender-based inequality in the treatment of men and women in the workplace, particularly noticeable after women enter the workforce. Women tend to receive lower salaries compared to men and are more likely to be employed in occupations with lower socioeconomic status. However, in recent years, educational attainment between genders has become comparable, with female graduates from higher education even surpassing their male counterparts. This raises the question of why a long-term disparity in labor market outcome persists between men and women. To shed light on this issue, this study examines data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) spanning the past two decades to analyze the labor market outcome of both genders and identify the influencing factors.
By employing logistic regression and conducting Pearson's correlation analysis on the collected data, the study reveals the following key findings:
1. The math ability of individuals during their educational years significantly influences their future salary and socioeconomic status. Better math ability translate to higher potential for increased salary and socioeconomic status. Notably, female individuals with stronger math ability experience a higher salary boost compared to their male counterparts.
2. The level of gender stereotypes does not have a significant impact on an individual's salary and socioeconomic status.
3. Pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors significantly enhances an individual's socioeconomic status, with males experiencing a greater improvement. However, pursuing STEM majors does not lead to a substantial increase in an individual's salary, potentially due to the categorization of STEM.
4. The type of occupation significantly affects an individual's salary, albeit to varying degrees for men and women. Nonetheless, both genders exhibit similar results.Professional occupations tend to elevate the salary of individuals, regardless of gender, while clerical support workers diminish the income for both genders. Since clerical support workers have a higher proportion of female workers, this suggests that engaging in occupations predominantly occupied by women still negatively impacts individuals' salaries.
5. Occupations with a higher proportion of female workers tend to have lower average salaries. In other words, the more women there are in a specific occupation,the lower the salary tends to be. Additionally, it is observed that occupations with a higher proportion of female workers also tend to have higher average scores for gender stereotypes, indicating a more entrenched presence of gender stereotypes among female workers in these occupations.