

首頁 > 學生表現 > 碩士/碩專班畢業論文>歷屆碩專班論文


  • 研究生:鄭而庭
  • 論文名稱:「幼」見性別:幼兒園混齡班級於自由探索時間的師生與同儕互動
  • 指導教授:陳韻如
  • 關鍵字:幼兒性別同儕互動混齡班級領導、遊戲

  • 論文中文摘要


  • 論文英文摘要

Going through the rise of open education and the discussion of gender equality education, preschools are regarded as the first learning field of children. The trend of mixed-age class and the promotion of exploratory play become the main features of Taiwan’s early childhood education, which also makes the peer’s influence no less than the teacher’s. However, previous research papers focused more on the impacts which are caused by implementation of gender equality education and teacher’s consciousness of gender equality. Those papers rarely focused on the difference between gender and age in exploratory plays and the effect of peer interaction in a mixed-age preschool class. Due to the reasons mentioned above, this research was born.

By taking a non-participant observation in a mixed-age preschool class about one semester, the researcher analyzed the interaction differences and the impact of ages from the different gender preschool leaders in indoor make-believe plays and outdoor plays, and compared the features between those two types of play. The result of the study shows that: 1. The peer interaction makes difference in gender from the children’s plays. Girls tend to having multiple, variable playing experiences, whereas boys are more into similar plays like chasing games or rough-and-tumble plays. On the friend-zone making side, girls are used to looking for their best friends in class, boys have the same behavior but they are more acceptable of other peers in class. In their leadership difference, girls have a tendency to make others follow their plans by oral instructions, while boys have a tendency to make others observe and imitate them by numerous physical actions. Due to the gender difference from children’s plays, the peers of different ages would indicate different actions and responses. The same-aged best friends of preschool leaders got influenced the most. The same-gender younger peers got the second, and then the opposite-gender younger peers. The least influenced are other same-aged peers. The thrilling and fun level of exploratory plays also depends on whether the preschool leaders join or not. 2. The different features of indoor make-believe plays and outdoor plays cause the different effects on children of different genders, ages. Boys attempt to communicate and collaborate with others in outdoor plays, but girls decrease their oral instructions in outdoor plays. Since the leaders tend to pick their same-aged best friends in outdoor plays, the younger children usually play games with same-aged, same-gender friends. The difference features and the required skills of indoor make-believe plays and outdoor plays affect the leadership of different-gender leaders.