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  • 研究生:許淑慧
  • 論文名稱:女性的家庭經驗與跨代互動關係之比較
  • 指導教授:馬國勳
  • 關鍵字:代間關係性別角色母職代間傳遞傳承

  • 論文中文摘要

  • 論文英文摘要

This study examines women’s family experiences and compares intergenerational interaction. Interviewees reflected on the idea of family, upbringing, and the family interaction experience of their mothers who belonged to the previous generation; their own current family interaction; and the caring and upbringing of children from the next generation. What characteristics are inherited through family interaction experience and upbringing across generations? What norms and ideas are carried over and preserved in intergenerational inheritance and which ones are not?
There are six aspects of the research questions: division of housework, family interaction/emotional relationship, gender role/spouse decision-making/power dynamics, educational choice/investment, occupation/career choice, and emotional choice/marital decision.
The study found that with regard to “division of housework,” families from the previous generation retained traditional patterns of gender roles. The established norms for women at home were that they needed to shoulder more caring responsibilities and domestic chores. Families from the next generation tended to be more fair and collaborative in this aspect. In the “family interaction/emotional relationship” aspect, families from both generations upheld the tradition of women taking up the motherhood role and following familial norms. However, the difference was that in families from the second generation, the father’s participation in child care and frequency of parent–child interaction were much higher than in the previous generation. Regarding “gender role/spouse decision-making/power dynamics,” gender roles and decision-making dynamics between spouses in families from the second generation tended to be more gender-equal, in a shift from the first generation, where the father assumed the role of the main decision-maker in the family. The study also showed that for both the previous and next generations of interviewees, with regard to “educational choice/investment” in children, families showed unconditional support, encouragement, and investment in their children. As regards “occupation/career choice,” second-generation mothers held a more open, encompassing, and flexible attitude, compared to mothers from the previous generation. They also actively participated in discussions concerning their children’s occupations and careers. As for the “emotional choice/marital decision” aspect, with the changing social atmosphere, second-generation families had diverse attitudes and thoughts concerning their children’s marriage and spouse selection.
Furthermore, in the female family experience and intergenerational interaction, the study also found that factors such as mothers from the previous generation, interviewees, their children, and the social environment would highlight individual personalities and the influence of the cultural environment.