

首頁 > 學生表現 > 三鶯研究>歷屆碩專班論文


  • 研究生:侯曉潔
  • 論文名稱:影響青少年性別角色態度之因素探討
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵字:性別、青少年、性別角色態度

  • 論文中文摘

  • 論文英文摘要

As time evolves, gender-related issues have gained increased relevance in contemporary Taiwanese society. However, there are still significant discrepancies among the general public on perceptions and attitudes towards gender roles. This study examines various factors that influence adolescents' gender role attitudes based on social learning theory, gender schema theory, and socialization theory.

The data is derived from the long-term survey results of Academia Sinica’s “Taiwan Youth Project”, which was launched in 2000, with 1,731 valid samples extracted for further analysis. The subject adolescents’ personal factors (including gender, grades and rankings, views on carrying on the family name and ancestral worship) and family factors (including area of residence of the subject adolescents before age 15,mother's education, mother's gender role attitude, father's involvement in household chores, mother's age, and extracurricular book collection) were utilized to examine their influence on gender role attitudes.

The main findings of this study are:
1.Most adolescents' gender role attitudes tend to be non-traditional.
2.Both adolescents’ personal and family factors have a certain degree of influence on gender role attitudes.
3.The influence of personal factors on adolescents' gender role attitudes was significantly greater than that of family factors.
4.The gender role attitudes of adolescents were significantly correlated with the concept of carrying on the family name, ancestor worship, gender, academic grades, and maternal gender role attitudes.
5.The area of residence of the subject adolescents before age 15, mother’s education, mother’s age, extracurricular book collection, and father’s involvement in household chores were not significantly correlated with their gender role attitudes.