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  • 研究生:林匯森
  • 論文名稱:從Bourdieu的場域理論探討澳洲打工度假經驗
  • 指導教授:田畠真弓
  • 關鍵字:場域理論、澳洲移工、Wage Theft、幻象

  • 論文中文摘

  • 論文英文摘要

This paper introduces the notion of "interest" in field theory, viewing the migrant labor field as a system of capital and interest, and exploring how actors in the field "strategically" maximize their interests. It also provides a perspective on the use of state power to trigger labor exploitation.
This paper adopts qualitative research, using historical research method, documentary analysis method and participant observation method to analyze data from historical context, data search and the author's working holiday experience respectively, and finally using Bourdieu's field theory to summarize and consolidate.
Below are the findings.
First, the state's collusion with the capitalists has caused the exploitation of migrant workers, and this power is very strong, causing serious inequality in the field. In addition to exploiting the differences in economic capital, capitalists also use the symbolic and social capital they have built up to hide their labor exploitation status, making it more difficult to be detected. Finally, the exploitation in the field of migrant workers forms an endless loop. Among the reasons for this are the illusions that migrant workers create, and the myths that make them ignore the fact of being exploited and rationalize their predicament in an attempt to find relief in the race for capital.