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  • 研究生:許庭宜
  • 論文名稱:臺灣人的歧視觀念:以東南亞人的汙名化為例
  • 指導教授:田畠真弓
  • 關鍵字:東南亞、外籍配偶、外籍移工、社會建構、汙名化

  • 論文中文摘

  • 論文英文摘要

According to Goffman's book, the term "stigma" has been widely used. Society has established a tool to classify people, and when a certain characteristic of a person is different from that of a normal person, and is not accepted and dwarfed by society in general, we can say that it is a stigma.
In Taiwan, it is undeniable that Southeast Asians live on this precious island in the context of social time and space, and through the factors of marriage and work residence, Southeast Asians have become inseparable from our lives. In spite of this, we have seen many discriminatory statements in the press and media.
This study uses a qualitative research questionnaire and in-depth interviews to collect the views of Southeast Asian spouses and migrant workers of different age groups on marriage, living experience, social life, work and immigration status, crime issues and children's education.
The results of the study revealed that there are stereotypes of traditional marriages, low development in Southeast Asia, and that there are still discriminatory views of Southeast Asian people in the older age groups, and that there are still unchangeable perceptions. However, in this study, it is also found that with the rise of higher education in Taiwan, the younger generation is beginning to think of foreign immigrants in terms of a variety of criteria, instead of judging immigrants on the basis of a single criterion such as "race" or "country of birth".