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簽署預立醫療的社會學分析: 以某區域醫院醫療行政科室人員分析為例

  • 研究生:林淑婉
  • 論文名稱:簽署預立醫療的社會學分析: 以某區域醫院醫療行政科室人員分析為例
  • 指導教授:葉欣怡
  • 關鍵字:醫療自主、預立醫療決定、預立醫療照護諮商

  • 論文中文摘
醫院是雙軌權威體制的科層組織,現代社會的勞動場所,同時提供產品或服務的機構。當醫院對於我們來說是解決身體病痛的場所,而求醫是釋惑的需求,再者醫療科技的進步,以及全民健保的實施,使得臺灣人的平均壽命逐年上升,讓人對醫療有無限的想像與期待。但同時為了延長生命而維生醫療的擴張,我們必須開始思考維生醫療下的生命品質是否是我們所要的。2019年1月6日臺灣病人自主權利法實施,這是一部以病人自主權利的專法,有行為能力即可簽署,透過法律保障民眾盡早深思與決定,當如果有一天自己處於某些無法治癒、嚴重影響生活品質與生命尊嚴的病症時,自己希望採取何種醫療照護措施來維護生命或尊嚴,並依自主選擇的方式達成善終。病人自主權利法為讓民眾了解預立醫療內涵,需先自費「預立醫療照護諮商」( ACP),才能簽署「預立醫療決定」(AD)。預立醫療政策推動下,目前僅有2萬多人簽署,本文藉由我身處的醫療行政場域,以完全參與觀察,配合半結構式的深度訪談、個人或家屬的生病、瀕死經驗、健保政策下醫院的因應方式,試圖解構預立醫療決定在臺灣實施的困境。

  • 論文英文摘要

A hospital is a modern-society labor workplace made of a double-track, bureaucratic system, which provides products and services. While it offers us sick-relieving and healing functions, it meets our needs of seeking medical solutions. With the advancing medical technologies and national health insurance programs, Taiwan’s average lifespan has been on a rising streak for the past years, with the people on the island having greater expectations on the health and care providers. To extend our livespan and improve life-sustaining treatments, we have to consider life quality under life-sustaining treatments. With the enactment of Patient to Autonomy Act on January 6, 2019 in Taiwan, people with behavioral capacity could sign and choose if they would like to receive further medical attention once suffering from incurable illnesses that jeopardize their life quality and self-respect, a law designed to allow patients to make appropriate decisions ahead of time and reduce suffering before death. To make people fully understand the advance care planning (ACP) they choose, the new law requires them to take ACP advisements before making their own advance decisions (AD). Since the law was enacted, some 20,000 patients have signed. The study was conducted through personal participation and observation, semi-structural focus group, patients’ agonal experiences, their relatives’ experiences, and the medical solutions under our national health insurance program in my workplace of medical administration, in an attempt to break through the bottleneck of promoting ACP in Taiwan.
The study demonstrated a great approval and support for the ACP from people under the efforts of official promulgations made by medical regulators. Based on group consciousness of medical administration staff and their perception towards quality of death, we found good quality of death is widely considered an eventual goal. However, people remain some dubious about ACP policy. The study also proved the patients’ family is always given priorities before patients themselves in Taiwan’s culture and society. Thus, information asymmetry is an issue needed to be addressed in social science. Both health care providers and people should be further educated for life value and death consciousness.