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  • 研究生:柯宜均
  • 論文名稱:是否放棄特殊教育學生身分?隱性與顯性障礙者的汙名管理、認同與資源協商
  • 指導教授:張恒豪
  • 關鍵字:汙名、障礙認同、資源協商、身心障礙、特殊教育

  • 論文中文摘

  • 論文英文摘要

In Taiwan, some students with disabilities choose to give up their special education status after entering university. In giving up their special education status, they have to reorganize resources and interventions based on stigma management strategies, personal needs and lived experiences in the past. This study examines how these students with disabilities manage and negotiate their special education status after entering universities. This study discusses their university learning experiences and life adaptation.
The method employed was an in-depth interview. Participants were eight students with disabilities in the special education system and six students with disabilities who decide to give up their special education status. The study shows that students with invisible and hidden disabilities, who do not receive much attention and are thus less affected by social stigma, are more inclined to retain their special student status when they have higher needs. Meanwhile, when the need for social resources decreases and the impact of social stigma decreases, there is an obvious tendency for students with disabilities to give up their special education status. In addition, student with visible disabilities received higher public recognition. When they have higher needs, they tend to maintain their special student status even if they are at a high risk of being impacted by social stigma. When the need for social resources decreases and the impact of social stigma increases, after the acquired impairment is treated, or the cause of the impairment temporarily disappears, the obvious tendency is for students with disabilities to give up their special education status, including stigmatization, derogation, and the unkindness of classmates. Furthermore, some students with disabilities think that the disability will not influences learning or life adaptation in school. Although there is an actual need for special education support, students with disabilities tend to give up their special education status. The current counseling mechanism to help students who give up their special education status is to have a resource classroom following up with counseling for half a year to facilitate the student's adaptation in school. Regardless of whether students are classified as having hidden or visible disabilities, both categories tend to distance themselves from being stigmatized and labeled as disabled students. Both students with visible and invisible disabilities try to parallel themselves with regular students and keep up with other students’ performances to feel safe and protected under the umbrella.
This study suggests that students should be encouraged to take advantage of the follow-up resource classroom counseling support before relinquishing their special student status. The study also suggests the provision of inter- and intra-campus connectivity of various resource system functions for students with disabilities. It is important for universities to cooperate with parents directly to enhance and develop counseling strategies, provide consultation for the needs of special students, and provide inter- and intra-campus education connectivity for students’ wellbeing after they relinquish their special education status.