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  • 研究生:葉上嘉
  • 論文名稱:臺灣雙薪家庭夫妻家務分工研究
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵字:家務分工、庭、色、近似無相關

  • 論文中文摘要
隨社會環境變遷,女性就業普遍,在臺灣雙薪家庭已為多數。本篇研究主要探討在現今整體性平意識提升的環境社會中,女性進入勞動市場、擁有自主經濟能力,是否對於過往明顯性別化家務工作的分配模式有不一樣的影響。本研究以2016臺灣社會變遷基本調查計畫七期二次主題一「家庭組」樣本資料,並以「洗衣服」、「簡單修理家中物品」、「買日用品」三項家務工作分別代表女性為主的家務、男性為主的家務及無明顯性別化之家務工作。鑒於過往多以多元迴歸(OLS, Ordinary least squares)檢視夫妻家務工作之分配,本研究將進一步以近似無相關(SUR, Seemingly uncorrelated regression)估計迴歸法,作為與多元迴歸結果之比較。分析結果顯示洗衣工作仍為女性分擔為主,然而家務公平度感受愈高之男性,在洗衣工作的頻率愈高、女性則愈低。簡單修理家中物品仍以男性為主,並無發現影響女性投入本項家務之解釋效果。買日用品無明顯性別分工差異,然年齡愈長者投入意願顯著較低。三項工作的性別化標籤與過往並無明顯差異,然整體而言,男性投入之家務工作有上升、而女性亦有較為下降之趨緩,性別意識顯示有更為平等之趨勢。

  • 論文英文摘要

Since the promotion of education system and gender equality, women are more immerse in labor market. Thus, double-income families become the vast majority in recent years. The research mainly discusses if the division of household labor in double-income families has any different result if using SUR than before. Moreover, if any variable has effects on husbands for engaging in “women’s work”, here means doing the laundry; for wives engaging in “men’s work”, which means making small repairs around house. Furthermore, proven correlation between factors and increasing frequency for shopping everyday necessities among husbands and wives.
The 2016 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 2), questionnaire 1 ‘Family’ is used in the study. The analysis revealed that doing laundry are the “women’s work” as before, however, the higher grades in housework fairness it shown, the higher frequency husbands doing the laundry, and the lower for wives. Husbands spends more on making small repairs around house, and no significant variables for wives to involve. Shopping everyday necessities is more equal among husbands and wives if comparing two kinds of work mentioned before.