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  • 究生:林家慧
  • 論文名稱:職能培訓對於員工與組織間建立信任與承諾關係之影響:以北基宜花地區的就業中心為例
  • 指導教授:田畠真弓
  • 關鍵字就業服務、社會交換、情緒勞動、組織信任

  • 論文中文摘要

  • 論文英文摘

In the past, public employment service agencies mostly handled administrative tasks; employment specialist mainly dealt with paper work. However, since 2012, the employment specialist were not only asked for administrative tasks, but expected to become case managers. Through fixed and dedicated services, the agencies look forward to establishing a long-term trusted companionship with the unemployed, and assist the unemployed to return to the workplace as soon as possible.
Agencies held OJT for organizational transformation, however, employment specialist’s willingness was never considered. Are they “willing” or “helpless”? Some of them think this is an opportunity to improve themselves and enhance their functions, and in the process they agree with the goals of the organization, and then develop organizational commitments; while some might take it as pressure from the organization, which includes hiding their own emotion at work to keep their job, and are unable to refuse accepting a series of training.
This research adopts the participation observation method and in-depth interview method of qualitative research to collect employment specialists’ viewpoint on the experience of OJT process and how OJT impact employment counseling. From the perspective of social exchange theory, I try to understand the interaction mode between the employment specialist and the organization, the factors that establish the trust relationship, and the reasons that influence the employment specialist to choose "rational transactions".
The research results show that the provision of OJT by organizations enables employment specialist to generate trust and commitment toward the organization, and to increase work involvement, which at last leads to more customized services for the unemployed. However, this study also found that unfair salary system, emotional labor and overloading work performance indicates are also factors that affect the unwillingness of a certain part of employment specialists to actively engage in work.