

首頁 > 學生表現 > 碩士/碩專班畢業論文>歷屆碩專班論文


  • 研究生:周欣怡
  • 論文名稱:臺灣不同世代雙薪家庭夫妻家務分工狀況之研究
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵字性別、世代、家務分工、雙薪家庭

  • 論文中文摘要

  • 論文英文摘要

In recent years, Taiwan ’s society has gradually become dual-income families, and the married women must combine family obligations with work responsibilities. This research mainly discusses the household division of labor with the dual-income families in different generations in Taiwan, and analyzes whether there are significant differences in the frequency of household division of labor between the younger generations and elderly generations, so as to verify whether the status of married women in the family housework is more equal than before.
In this study, the 2016 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 2): Family is used to investigate on the household division of labor between different generations. The main division of housework items include preparing the evening meal, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, making small repairs around house, shopping for everday and taking out the garbage.
The analysis revealed that the frequency of household division of labor among the married women in younger generation is indeed lower than in elder generations, except making small repairs around house and shopping for everday. But there is no significant difference among the married men in different generations, in addition to shopping for everday. As to the effect of relative resources, time availability, and gender role ideology, only the relative resource and gender role ideology has a significant effect on the married men in the elder generations. Using the Actor-partner Interdependence Model (APIM) to analyze the dual data of the sample, the results show that the husband's weekly working hours of different generations have the significant impacts on themselves or spouses' housework frequency, but their wives do not affect their husbands. Obviously, the household division of labor in Taiwan is still the responsibility of married women, but the frequency of household division of labor among the married women in younger generation is indeed lower than in elder generations.