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幼托整合下教保服務人員分工及自我認同 -- 以新北市公立幼兒園為例

  • 研究生:吳佳蓉
  • 論文名稱:幼托整合下教保服務人員分工及自我認同 -- 以新北市公立幼兒園為例
  • 指導教授:陳韻如
  • 關鍵字:幼托整合、幼稚教育、幼兒園、教保服務人員、教保員

  • 論文中文摘要

  • 論文英文摘要
In order to clarify critical issues after implementation of the “Integration of Kindergartens and Nursery Schools” (IKNS), this study interviewed 15 preschool educators in 6 public preschools in the New Taipei City, with questions about their work practices and work-identities. The differences between ideal and reality, as well as the influences of IKNS on preschool educators in terms of division of work and self-recognition on the job, are the issues of interest in this study. The analysis reveals: 1. Adopting the traditional ways of taking shifts on class management, the teachers and educare givers are taking turns doing the same thing at work; 2. It is difficult to differentiate education from educare in the practices; 3. Neither preschool teachers and educare givers in affiliated preschools nor those in independent preschools intend to establish a division of labor between them; 4. The work identity of all kinds of educarers, either preschool teachers or educare givers, are affected by IKNS. Because of undefined work content and the lower salary and status in the childcare institution, the educare givers are hard to construct a positive identity toward their job.