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如何沉浸在遊戲情境之中? 探討非電子角色扮演遊戲玩家之入戲與出戲因素

      本研究探討非電子(non-digital)角色扮演遊戲,如何造成遊戲者的入戲與浸淫。包括但不限「桌上型角色扮演遊戲」(Tabletop role-playing game, TRPG)、臨場動態角色扮演 (Living-action role-playing, LARP) 以及桌上遊戲。


       國內過去的學術研究對於非電子遊戲較少著墨,非電子的遊戲不具備電玩遊戲的聲光效果和輔助,其所引發的入戲和出戲與社交互動因素則更值得探究。本研究以Fine (1983) 的TRPG框架分析以及Brown & Cairns (2004) 的遊戲沉浸為概念基礎,以社會學的符號互動應用在非電子的遊戲世界,彙整出戲入戲典型因素。在資料蒐集上,透過田野觀察實際遊戲活動與半結構的深度訪談了十四位受訪者,歸納出影響入戲和出戲的機制與因素。






 This research aims at analyzing the social factors that influence player’s immersion and in-character role-playing in non-digital role-playing game (non-digital RPG) such as Tabletop role-playing games, Living-action role-playing and board games.

 Different from video games, non-digital RPG do not rely on computer equipment, but by intensive interacting with other players to create and construct their entertaining effects. Non-digital RPG are games that emphasize a highly developed theme, characters, heroes, or factions. Like the actors in the movie, these games encourage players to use the first-person perspective to speak, act, and interact to increase the player's " presence".

 The academic studies rarely touch on analyzing the communication and interaction of Non-digital games. Whereas there have been some given research delved into investigating issues such as player-immersion and how game rules and play interactions work to determine individuals’ electronic game experiences, we rarely observe academic studies devote to study the non-digital games’ playing processes. 

 Basing on Fine’s frame analysis theory that he proposed in TRPG (1983) and Brown & Cairns's game immersion theory (2004), this current study aims at exploring why people feel in game immersion when playing games. 

 I gathered research data by conducting 14 semi-structured in-depth interviews. Moreover, I conducted participating observations and focused on the variations of game mechanics, situational plots, and the player's subjective considerations. 

 As a result, this research delineates how social factors influence players' in game experiences which include game rules and social interactions. Players employ multiple frameworks to show complex interactive behaviors: outside the game, they follow both game rules and social norms; inside the game, they follow story plot and proceed in the context as if the characters in the game. This architecture, I argue, shows more complex behaviors and meaning-creations than the frameworks shaped by the rules of the game, and it is in the social contexts that also enter and work the game worlds. Vice versa, the game content will affect the player's feelings as well. When a player has enough presence and emotion to play the role, it more often than not can produce strong immersive experiences.

 This very research attempts to summarize the various mechanisms and factors that influence players’ experiences in games. On the one hand, I provide information to those who are interested in the interactive social process of table-top games; on the other hand, it can verify the applicability of relevant theories and/or refine them.