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近年來,以情緒勒索(emotional blackmail)為主題的書籍暢銷於臺灣的讀者市場,民眾對於子女心理層面教養行為的關注日益增加。《你的孩子不是你的孩子》一書被改編為電視劇後,在各大網路與媒體平台上,更是引起廣大的迴響,甚至在家長間、家長與教育工作者或專家之間發生了激烈論戰。然而,父母在子女心理層次教養行為,帶給孩子的實際影響究竟是什麼呢?而各自屬於心理與行為兩個不同層面的教養,對子女的影響又有什麼樣的差異呢?過去研究指出父母的心理控制(psychological control)對子女具有相當負面與重大的衝擊,而國內學者大多未將焦點關注在其對於青少年晚期子女的影響,該階段的青少年相對強調自主性,同時是家長面臨子女即將獨立的重要時期。此外,國內研究也鮮少同時檢視家長的心理控制與管教行為,對子女所產生的不同影響,或是探討怎麼樣的教養行為組合對於孩子有較為嚴重的後果。因此,筆者希望從臺灣脈絡出發,同時比較家長的心理控制與管教行為,找出什麼樣組合的教養行為對於青少年憂鬱情緒與睡眠問題的影響更為嚴重,並提供親職教育的實務建議。本研究使用的資料以「落霞與孤鶩、秋水共長天:青少年友敵關係同質性的考察與檢驗」研究計畫(簡稱落霞計畫)的第三波至六波問卷為主,探討青少年知覺父母心理控制對憂鬱情緒與睡眠問題的影響。  


What is the influence of the psychological forms of parenting on sons and daughters? What are the differential effects in the psychological and behavioral parenting dimensions? Previous researchers in Taiwan suggested that parental psychological control has detrimental effects on children, but focused attention to late adolescence has been lacking. This period can be stressful for many adolescents, as it involves an increasing sense of autonomy. It is also an important stage when parents are facing their children to develop independence. On the other hand, there is little research discussing can positive parentings buffer adversity effects of parental psychological control on children.The study uses panel data, which is from the project, “Birds of a Feather Flock Together: An Investigation of Homophilies among Friendship and Antipathy in Adolescence”(BAFT), to examine the influences of perceived parental psychological control on adolescent depression and sleep problems. Adolescents reported on parental psychological control, their own depression and sleep problems, and the research finding may serve as a guide for the parents.The analysis results are as follows: 1. Parental psychological control directly influenced adolescent depression and sleep problems. 2. The moderation effect of age between maternal psychological control and adolescent depression was marginally significant. 3. The moderation effect of gender between paternal psychological control and adolescent sleep problems was statistically significant. 4. Vigilant nurturing could not override the impact of parental psychological control on adolescent depression and sleep problems.