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      家庭乃個體之最基本社會單位,其中教養(Parenting)尤為重要,深刻影響了孩童身心發展。台灣屬華人文化圈,相較於西方又更加強調「集體主義」的觀念,高度的家族集體精神伴隨來的是教養行為代間傳承(Intergenerational Continuity/Transmission)的可能發生,欲以教養行為傳承作目的探討之。過去西方相關研究可謂不勝枚舉,且正、負面教養行為皆然,然而台灣相關文獻則屬有限,多偏向負面教養傳承,因此本文將以正負面教養行為傳承一併作探討。

     研究採用TYP台灣青少年成長歷程研究第一波國一與國三學生與家長問卷資料,以四大教養分類(Authoritative/Authoritarian/Permissive/Neglectful)為開端,從國內外學者提出之各類型態屬性來歸類相關具體行為,配合問卷當中之祖父母(Generation 1)、父母(Generation 2)、學生(Generation 3),輔以社會學習理論及相關傳承實證研究作為研究代間傳承與斷裂之基礎。結果顯示:西元2000年時期(1)G2父親的監控行為(2)G2父親的一致性行為(3)G2母親的引導式行為分別受上一代影響產生代間傳承;(4)G1之一致性教養行為影響G2父親與母親傾向嚴酷行為(5)G1引導式行為影響G2母親傾向監控行為,研究結果並無顯示嚴酷行為與引導式行為形成代間斷裂。而SES較為優越的G2家長傾向使用「恩威並重」的雙面教養手段,可能為現代家長自身也成為父母後方知育兒難處,處在一種教養世代傳承與斷裂的雙向動態發展。


Cross-generational continuities of parenting behaviors have attracted much attention from scholars in the areas of education and sociology. Few studies, however, have examined the generational transmission of Taiwanese parenting practices. To address the limitation of Taiwanese studies, this research investigates individual and family factors that relate to the intergenerational continuity or discontinuity of parenting practices in Taiwan. Specifically, using data from the first wave of Taiwan Youth Project (TYP), this study examines whether the parenting practices of generation one (G1) will affect the parenting behaviors of generation two (G2). Based on previous studies, four types of parental disciplinary actions for adolescents are identified in the TYP data: they are parental monitoring, harsh practices, consistency, and induction. The results show that the G2 male respondents whose parents maintained consistent disciplinary practices tended to use consistent and harsh parenting practices. In addition, the G2 female respondents whose parents used inductive disciplinary strategies were also more likely to provide their children with explanations with respect to their actions. On the other hand, the harsh parenting practices by the G1 parents did not encourage the G2 respondents to discipline their children harshly. The results suggest both the continuity and discontinuity of parenting behaviors. Suggestions for future research and implications for policy making are discussed.