Since 1980s to 2000s, Taiwan Government gradually has established the ideology of "Separated-flow Model", which is a traffic engineering theory that leads to the road space for the car and the motorcycle to be divided. Nevertheless, Taiwan's civil society had begun to organize a social movement to challenge government's this very risk governance policy after 2011. In the activists’ perspective, they criticized the Separated-flow Model and suggested that it can’t promote safety for Taiwan motorcyclists; conversely, it would only result in motorcyclists to confront even more risk than before.
Several research findings are pointed out: in the early stage, the motorcycle risk governance in Taiwan was heavily relied on the risk assessment and knowledge of the expert system. Meanwhile, the lay people’s risk perception was excluded from the decision-making process of risk governance. Therefore, it caused the motorcycle risk assessment in Taiwan to be shaped by a oversimplified risk knowledge. Different from Separated-flow Model which was exclusively shaped by the expert system, the activists have mainly used two values (namely, 'formal-equality' and ‘road-shared') to facilitate road safety. This research conceptualizes the values of activists with a new model: “Inclusive-flow Model”.