

首頁 > 學生表現 > 碩士/碩專班畢業論文>歷屆碩專班論文


  • 研究生:葉聖琪
  • 論文名稱:影響育嬰留職停薪復職及待遇之因素
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵字:育嬰留職停薪、復職
  • 論文中文摘要


  • 論文英文摘要

Adopting data gathered by Ministry of Labor on “Survey on Employment Equality at the Workplace, 2016”, this study analyzed the factors that contribute to the reinstatement of persons taking parental leave. The findings revealed that family responsibility and household structure matter. People who is the main breadwinner, with less children, living in core family or extended family have higher opportunity to return to work. In terms of work situations, applicants who worked in smaller company or with longer work experience, have a higher probability of returning to their original job. For applicants who returned to their original work status, younger age or with less work experience have a higher chance to get a raise. But for those whom are not familiar with rights of parental leave, their salary may be reduced after returning.