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  • 研究生:陳彥芃
  • 論文名稱:不平常的日常:特教班融合教育的民族誌考察
  • 指導教授:張恒豪
  • 關鍵字:融合教育
  • 論文中文摘要





  • 論文英文摘要
Special education classes in general schools are often isolated from campus because they are rarely considered in policy or curriculum. However, special education students must learn how to interact and integrate with general students, so the difficulties these students face are worthy of examination. This study analyzes the implementation of inclusive education for special education classes in general schools using ethnographic methods of observation and interviews. Regular class teachers, students, and administrative staff are interviewed to determine their understanding of special education classes with respect to inclusive education and the acceptance level of special education students among regular class teachers, students, and administrators.
In addition, special education, general education, and parents have different opinions on inclusive education: The inclusive education promoted by special education often takes a view that is opposite to the parents’ desire to protect their children; general education’s view on inclusive education is also contradictory. Teachers in general education can allow special class students flexibility in the school rules, but for competition, fairness and a positive influence on general education students are also considerations. General education teachers have the ableism ideology and so may sacrifice opportunities to participate for students with disabilities.
Special education teachers can invite general teachers to their classrooms; this can help general teachers learn to teach basic skills to special needs students. In general classes, teachers often lack the assistance of special education teachers in inclusive education.
Taiwan has pursued inclusive education for more than two decades. However, if it continues to have full inclusive education as the goal, it will need to re-examine its policy and the orientation of Taiwan’s education system and curriculum structure.