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女性監所管理人員在監獄工作,面對到受刑人的行為態度,作為女性的他們面對同 樣身為女性的受刑人,需展現出不同於傳統女性價值的性別特質,這種被監獄建構出符 合管理受刑人的氣質則是所謂的陽剛氣質。本研究以女性管理人員作為研究對象,分別 訪談 11 位女性監所管理員,進行質性深度訪談。訪談內描繪她們的工作與陽剛氣質的展 現,析論工作、陽剛氣質的展現、與性別認同的關係,文中內容著重在以在監獄工作與 受刑人互動過程為主,監獄內的制度與人的互動,受訪者在監獄環境下工作與受刑人互 動中展現男子氣概,除了訪談監獄工作外,也談到了一小部份這些女性監所管理員的家 庭生活,從家庭生活中可以些微了解到女性監所人員在展現男子氣概時有所區別,而且 對於女性監所管理員的影響。

研究發現,女性監所管理員進入監獄工作,本身的行為就受到監獄的控制,女性管 理人員在進入監獄工作時,監獄所給予的訓練,逐漸改變了女性監所管理員的行為模式, 她們要接受較為陽剛訓練模式,進而讓他們能更有效的管理受刑人。再透過管理受刑人 的過程中,持續展現其陽剛特質的再增強。在管理受刑人的過程中,首先,女性管理員 透過意識形態的展現對於受刑人進行管理,在服裝及外表打扮上都有展現權力的效果。 女性監所管理員對於在家庭生活中的行為表現,內容關於家庭生活的部分著墨不多,只 略看出女性監所人員,在面對家庭生活時工作造成的影響,大略分為三類,脫胎換骨, 有明顯的改變,甚至對於社會犯罪的態度也不同以往。 衝擊,她們會產生矛盾,在家須 展現女性陰柔的一面,但在工作中又必須展現陽剛,這對於有家庭的監所管理員來說更 是如此。始終如一,這部分的女性管理人員能把公私領域區分出來,清楚知道自己在什 麼環境下該做什麼。本研究針對女性監所管理員,特別是作為第一線的管理人員,了解他們的面對在監獄制度下的情緒展演,讓大眾對於監獄工作的想像有不同的見解。

Female prison administrators working in female prisons, have to face the attitudes of the inmates. As women, they face another female who is a prisoner but they need to show gender characteristics different from the traditional female values. This is as determined and constructed by the prison management authorities and is the so-called, masculine temperament.
In this study, female managers were selected as subjects and 11 female supervisors were given qualitative in-depth interviews. The interview covered their work in relation to the requirement to exhibit masculine temperament. Analyses was the effect and relationship with their own gender identity. The content of this article focuses on the interaction between prison workers and the prisoner, the system and the people in the prison. The interviewees showed masculinity in the work of the prison environment when interacting with the prisoners. In addition to interviewing about prison work, also discussed was the family life of a small number of these women's supervisors. The women managers or inspectors, differed in their masculinity and in their influence on the women supervisors.
The study found that the female supervisory administrators who entered the prison work, had their behavior controlled by the prison system. When the female administrators entered the prison, the training provided by the prison gradually changed the behavior patterns of the female supervisors. They wanted accepted, a more masculine training model which would allow them to manage the prisoners more effectively. In the process of managing the inmates, the masculine traits continue to be enhanced. The female supervisory administrators are not very concerned about the effect of their behavior in family life and the context of family life. They see as slight, the impact of the working as female supervisors upon their family life, which can however, be roughly divided into three categories.
Have a new mindset in that there are obvious changes in the culture of the inmates and even the attitude towards social crime is different. they will create contradictions, must show the feminine side of women at home, but must show masculine at work, especially for family administrators. Consistently, this part of the female executives can distinguish between the public and private sectors and know exactly what environment they should do. This study is aimed at women's supervisors, especially as front-line managers, to understand their emotional performance in the prison system, so that the public can have different views on the nature of prison work.