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  • 研究生:董惠鈞
  • 論文名稱:兩岸婚姻婚配現象之研究
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵詞:跨國婚姻、兩岸婚姻、大陸配偶、人口遷移
  • 論文中文摘要:
本研究採用問卷調查法,以2013年9月1日至2014年3月31日期間來臺接受團聚面談之臺灣配偶及大陸配偶為母體樣本,於松山、桃園及高雄小港等三處機場及金門水頭碼頭(小三通)進行問卷調查,分析模式是使用SPSS 21.0統計軟體,本研究共得有效樣本1,100份(550對配偶),以平均數、標準差等進行敘述性統計分析統計及差異分析,研究結果顯示如下:
1. 在性別比,高達91.1%臺配為男性。結婚年齡層以31~40歲最多(佔39.4%),臺配以31~40歲最多(42.8%),陸配則以21~30歲最多(47.2%)。男性臺配年齡普遍大於女性陸配,且當臺配男性年齡越大,與陸配年齡差異也越大,「老夫少妻」情況也愈顯著。在教育程度上,臺配以大學學歷最多(29.1%),陸配則以國中(含)以下佔大多數(30.8%),臺灣配偶教育程度普遍較高。從職業別觀察,臺配為高階管理階層者、企業主分別高達77.97%、66.07%在大陸工作,顯示赴陸「台幹」、「台商」因為工作關係,皆在大陸工作;而臺配勞工有86%反而留在臺灣工作。
2. 超過一半之兩岸婚配都是經由自己認識配偶而結婚(54.91%),僅有5.82%才是透過婚仲(含其他)方式認識配偶。婚後仍在臺灣工作佔51.09%,較不在臺灣工作之48.91%幾乎不相上下,此情形顯示兩岸婚姻已從早期以在臺工作、定居模式逐漸改變,愈來愈多兩岸婚姻開始選擇在大陸定居、工作,兩岸婚姻中社經水準較高夫妻選擇定居大陸地區趨勢大幅增長,與過往選擇以定居臺灣為大多數情形迥然不同。同時本研究也發現,受訪全部案件婚後均在同一地工作,並未出現異地生活婚姻之狀況。另在兩岸婚配中,臺配收入仍較陸配高,臺配為兩岸婚姻關係中經濟能力較為佳一方;在大陸工作臺配月收入較在台工作臺配為高,臺配在大陸地區更易覓得高薪工作。
  • 論文外文摘要:
The main purpose of this research is to analyze and explain the cross-strait marriage that effect the demographic structure of Taiwan, utilizing theories of population migration and transnational marriage, as well as demographic statistics related to Mainland Chinese spouses. This research also applied quantitative approach to collect and compile data. Total in 1,100 copies of the questionnaires on the background of spouses of cross-strait marriage were distributed among Mainland Chinese spouses who applied for reunion with their Taiwanese spouses for the first time in order to collect information regarding gender, age, educational background, occupation, monthly income, and place of origin to cover the insufficiency of data and demographic statistics.
This thesis has chosen the Mainland Chinese spouses who entering Taiwan during the period of September 1st, 2013 and March 31st, 2014 as the target group, and distributed the above mentioned questionnaires at Songshan Airport, Taoyuan Airport and Kaohsiung Airport, as well as Kinmen Port (for mini three link), collecting a total of 1,100 samples(550 couples). SPSS Statistics 21.0 was use for analysis, taking the average, standard deviation, etc. as elements to conduct descriptive statistics analysis and difference analysis. The founding of the research are as follows:
Regarding the sex ratio of Taiwanese spouses who married with people of the mainland China Area, The study found that up to 91.1% Taiwanese spouses were men. In this research, it also found that most of Taiwanese spouses married on the age of 31~40 (42.8%), while the most of Mainland spouses married on the age of 21~30(47.2%) in view of the stratification of marriage age among cross-strait marriage. As for the age disparity of the corss-strait couples, Taiwanese husbands are older than Mainland Chinese wives generally. Besides, the study found that the older Taiwanese husband is, the more significant discrepancy between the couple’s ages much will be. This also led to the phenomenon of “older husband with a younger wife.”
In view of the educational background of the cross-strait couples, most of the Taiwanese spouses acquired bachelor degrees (29.1%) whereas most of the Mainland Chinese spouses are below (including) junior high school degrees (30.8%). The educational level of Taiwanese spouses are higher than that of Mainland Chinese spouses normally. As for the occupation of Taiwanese spouses, the study found that up to 77.97% of higher order management and 66.07% of business owners are chosen to work and stay in Mainland China area, while up to 77.97% of Taiwanese spouses of labors are chosen in Taiwan.
There are more than half of the cross-strait couples were met each other by themselves (up to 54.91%), while in the other hand, there are only 5.82% of the cross-strait couples were met each other through the service of matchmaking providers or by other means. There are about 51.09% of the couples of the cross-strait chosen to stay in Taiwan, while about the same ratio of the couples are working and living in Mainland China area (48.91%). All the sample couples live together after marriage. Taiwanese spouses earn more income than Mainland Chinese spouses do. Taiwanese working in Mainland China earns more than that working in Taiwan. Taiwanese spouses more easily find a well-paid job in Mainland China.