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  • 研究生:蕭景方
  • 論文名稱:個人的成功歸因與社會衝突知覺之關聯
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵詞:成功歸因、社會衝突知覺、相對剝奪感、個人努力、世代差異
  • 論文中文摘要:
  • 論文外文摘要:
The data analyzed here were collected by the Taiwan Social Change Survey in 2010(Round 5, Year 5—Social inequalities) ,which was conducted by the Academia Sinica, subjective survey respondents think that there is a conflict (including rich and poor, the middle class and labor, executives and employees, for the top and bottom, etc.), combined with personal success attributed to society, relative deprivation and other variations Discussion item interactive analysis.
In this study, contextual factors as control variables (gender, age, education, income, occupation, ethnic group, place of residence and subjective social class); and personal awareness of the success factors of the (family background, ascribed status, relationships and personal effort) and the relative deprivation of forecast variables in order to explain a variety of individual perception and social conflicts (in production and labor, rich and poor, executives and employees, the top and low-rise) on different levels.
The results of this study indicated that when individuals feel that your sense of relative deprivation more severe, the more there is a sense that the social conflict. In the case of the success attributed to "ascribed status" in part, we have significant and positive correlation with the perception of social conflict. This research also advocated the theory of social inequality and social resources are monopolized by a small number of specific ethnic groups, resulting in difficult social class mobility, and therefore belong to the sex and ascribed status ethnic group, but also on behalf of the inherent superiority or inferiority, factors affecting the personal success very huge.