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裡外不是人: 障礙學生的融合及排除就學經驗
(碩士班:周倩如 )(指導教授:張恒豪)




 The number of disabled students entering college continues to rise in Taiwan. The Impact of Students’ experiences in segregated or inclusive education before entering college draw many attentions. This study discusses how disabled students’ experience in different educational systems affect their identity and college life.

This study conducts in-depth interviews with 12 disabled students who have been in exclusion education including segregated schools or centralized special education classes, and with 13 disabled students in inclusive education. The finding suggests that all disabled students have faced environmental barriers and learning difficulties after entering college. Students have experiences in segregated school, have better understanding of their own needs and have more access to information of resources from the network of their disabled peers. Nevertheless, disabled students in segregated schools are less likely to keep up with academic requirement in school, because the expectations and requirements in special school are significant lower then students in regular school. Disabled students from inclusion education are more likely to make themselves to fit into the abled-body mainstream ideology and criteria. Disabled students in inclusion education receive less supports, most of their support come from their family. When there is no support, to avoid being labeled trouble, they reduce their social participation in university life. Finally, we show that no matter which system have disabled students grown-up, none of these students can enjoy the equal opportunity of learning and participating like their ablebody peers.