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台灣從早年立委候選人許曉丹曾公開半裸,讓畫家在背上彩繪,至近期Facebook上掀起的「解放乳頭」(Free the Nipple)運動,裸身都具有反威權、反傳統、顛覆性別框架的意涵。身體展演一直以來都是同志與婦女運動的重要抗爭策略,所以國內外研究都以同志與婦女運動為研究對象,主要探討性別與裸身抗議的關係、辯論女性裸露身體的社運效應。但是裸體抗議也逐漸出現在不以性別平權為主要目的的社會運動中,如反核、保護動物、維護古蹟等等;而且參與裸體行動的男性並不比女性少。

From the early years, Xu Xiao Dan naked in the public, and let the artist painted in her back. Recently, a people posted a picture of themselves with bare cheston Facebook, to protest Facebook's policy of discrimination. The naked body has several meanings, anti-authoritarian, anti-traditional and subvertion of gender norm. Body performance has been an important strategy to LGBT movements and the women's movements, so many investigations analyze the LGBT movements and the women's movementswith the focus on the relationship between gender and naked protest, debate the effects of female nude body for the movements. But in Taiwan, naked protests are also emerging for the anti-nuclear, animal protection, monument perservation and other non gender specific movements, at the same time the male nude protester are more than women.
This study analyzes from the gender perpective, the non gender specific movements in comparison with the LGBT movements, to explore their naked body strategies: how they present it? how the media react to the nude protests? what the protesters say? in the material consist of 30 protest events of LGBT movement as well as 29 non gender specific movement protests in the print and audiovisual newsreports from 2003 to2015 . The results show that gender cultural expectation and norms are affecting the nude protest trategies: the LGBT movements could break the gender norms, but the non gender specific movements use the gender stereotypes in their protests performances to gain the public attention.