

首頁 > 學生表現 > 碩士/碩專班畢業論文>歷屆碩專班論文


  • 研究生:歐正中(重毅)
  • 論文名稱:臺灣地區民眾休閒活動參與之研究
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵詞:休閒活動、教育程度、經濟所得、有無工作、性別、世代、居住地區
  • 從近年來台灣社會的發展趨勢:如國民所得大幅提高、工時逐漸減少、提早退休、週休二日、空閒時間增多、休閒遊憩產業的蓬勃發展等,我們不難發現休閒時代已經來臨了。而且隨著國人教育程度的普遍提升,更覺醒到從事休閒活動除了可以紓解生活壓力,提高工作效率之外,更可以提升生活品質。本研究主要是探討台灣地區民眾參與休閒活動的現況,藉此了解國人較常參與哪些休閒活動,進而推展優良並且能提升生活品質的休閒活動。



  • Observing the trend of development in Taiwan’s society for the past recent years, for example, substantial increase of income gains, gradual reduction in working hours, early retirement, five-day work week, increase in leisure time, flourishing development of recreation and tourist industries, etc, it is not difficulty for us to notice the arrival of the recreation era. With general improvement in the educational level of Taiwanese, fellow compatriots have come to realize that engagement in recreational activities can relief not only pressure, but also enhance working efficiency, as well as improve the quality of life. This study mainly discusses the current situation of participation in recreational activities by residents of Taiwan.

This study has discovered that the most commonly participated recreational activities for residents in Taiwan have been related to arts and culture, followed by mind stimulating exercises, while the least participated activities have been sports. In addition, the study has also observed that they would be influenced by different factors while engaging in different recreational activities. For example, participation in art and cultural activities have been influenced by factors of “educational level” and “gender”; the engagement in mind stimulating activities have been influenced by factors of “educational level”, “income gains”, “gender”, “generation”; while the participation in sports has been influenced by “educational level”, “income gains”, “gender” and “residence” factors. The result has revealed that “employment status” has no significant impact on the participation in art and cultural activities, mind stimulating exercises and sports. This has proved that there are no difference among the employed, unemployed and housewife in selecting recreational activities. Differences in income gains have no effect on the participation of art and cultural activities for residents in Taiwan. There have also been no obvious differences between B generation and X generation in Taiwan in the participation of art and cultural leisure activities.

Such result of study has showed that residents in Taiwan have displayed diversified results while engaging in various recreation activities. Besides participating in various kinds of activities, there has been the influence of different factors leading to different results during participation in leisure activities.