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  • 研究生:: 鍾宜吟
  • 論文名稱:台灣地區民眾婚前同居、婚姻態度之相關分析
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵詞:婚前同居、同居、婚姻態度、純粹關係
  • 同居關係是不同於一般約會、也不同於正式婚姻的親密關係,是相愛男女挑戰婚姻制度的另類選擇。此議題在國外雖已累積相當豐富的研究成果,但畢竟討論的現象是在其社會文化脈絡下產生的,對於台灣社會的同居情況仍然所知有限。本研究利用民國九十年「台灣社會變遷基本調查計劃」第四期二次的研究問卷I這份資料進行分析。試圖探討:影響婚前同居的背景因素、婚前同居對未來結婚的條件及結婚的理由的影響、以及婚前同居與婚姻態度的關係等。


  • Cohabitation is viewed as a challenge to the marriage system and another choice for men and women deeply in love. Intimacy derived from cohabitation is different from that of dating or formal marriage. Although lots of studies have been conducted abroad on cohabitation-related issues, the circumstances discussed in these foreign studies are still generated in the cultural context, which provides very limited understanding of the cohabitation condition in Taiwan.

The data analyzed in this study is collected by the Taiwan Social Change Survey (the second wave of the fourth survey) Project, overseen by the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica in 2001. The purpose of this study is to analyze (1) the factors influencing individuals’ decision to cohabit with a partner before marriage, (2) the effect of premarital cohabitation on partner choices, (3) the reported reasons of getting married, and (4) premarital cohabitation and its influence on marital relationship.

The findings from regression estimation indicate that sex, age, education, and that whether is the first marriage or remarriage affected premarital cohabitation decision. In particular, the probability of premarital cohabitation varies inversely with age and education; younger the age and lower the educational rank the more possible to get cohabitation. And those who are in remarriages are more possible to experience a life of cohabitation. Men are 1.6 times more likely than women to have practiced premarital cohabitation. Premarital cohabitation has no effect on partner choices. Interesting enough that those who have premarital cohabitation experiences seems more traditional and conservative than those who have not, and those who have no premarital cohabitation experiences are more likely base their marriage foundation on disclosing intimacy. As regards the effect of premarital cohabitation on attitudes toward future marriage, men are more likely than women to have a modern point of view and more satisfactory about marriage than women. Subjects who cohabit with their future spouses have a modern point of view about marriage but have less satisfaction with marriage. Hence, premarital cohabitation does not improve marital relationship; it is merely a part of the course of marriage instead.