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  • 研究生:: 樊沛文
  • 論文名稱:基隆市素食傾向的研究
  • 指導教授:黃樹仁
  • 關鍵詞:素食、文化、飲食
  • 是什麼樣的背景因素能夠左右人們奉行素食行為與否的傾向?不同的素食傾向會導致出不同的社會意向選擇嗎?不同的素食傾向的影響下,不同的背景變項,能否測量出相異的特出嗜好(比如菸酒檳榔,比如購買彩券,收看競技節目或是算命頻率)。本研究以此探討素食傾向在社會意向及主觀評價的選擇方面是否有差異的現象。


研究結果發現,基隆市民的素食傾向回答幾乎不吃素者佔六成(60.7%),再來是特定日素食者(12.9%),經常素食者(11.7%),一餐素者(9.2%),全素者(5.8%)。. 背景變項的素食傾向發現,年長者,女性,已婚者,信仰佛道教者,大陸各省市與台灣閩南人以及學歷較低者,具有較高的素食傾向。在社會意向差異方面,素食傾向對於社會滿意度與生活滿意度的分析沒有顯著差異。吃素的傾向愈高者,對於菸酒檳榔的嗜好度愈低。在購買彩券頻率方面,顯示特定日素食者相對於幾乎不吃素的群體有顯著較高的購買彩券的頻率。全素者收看競技節目的頻率度要低於一餐素、特定日素以及經常素這三個群體。素食傾向合併單一的性別變項後的雙因子分析後發現,素食與性別的合併變項對於菸酒檳榔嗜好度與收看競技節目頻率有顯著的差異。發現素食傾向對於男性有素食傾向程度愈高者,則菸酒檳榔嗜好度以及收看競技節目都愈低,素食傾向對女性則無類似顯著的差異。素食傾向合併宗教信仰的雙因子分析後發現,對於購買彩券頻率有顯著的差異。

  • This research was trying to find out the phenomenon on vegetarian tendency towards social image and subjective evaluation.

The results were gained from 374 completed questionnaires with single and double criteria analysis. The main research path was:

1. The relationship between background variety and vegetarian tendency.

2. The relationship between background variety, satisfaction of life and society and the attitude towards alcohol, cigarettes, betel nuts and gambling, etc. hobbies.

3. The relationship between vegetarian tendency, satisfaction of life and society and the attitude towards alcohol, cigarettes, betel nuts and gambling, etc. hobbies.

The participants were mostly Keelung citizens. The result of vegetarian tendency were: Non vegetarians 60.7%,Vegetarians on specific dates 12.9%,Vegetarians with one meal a day 9.2%,Occasional vegetarians 11.7%,Strict vegetarian 5.8%。

Related to background variety, the below people below had shown notable higher tendency towards vegetarianism:

Matured aged people,Female,Buddhist and Taoist,Married couples,Mainlanders,Taiwanese FuKein ,Lower education background.

As for social image, the survey results indicated that:

Vegetarians showed no notable difference between their social or living satisfaction with others. The higher vegetarian tendency the lower interest in alcohol, cigarettes and betel nuts.

Regarding the frequency of purchasing lottery tickets, there was a higher frequency, purchasing lottery tickets by ”vegetarians on specific dates”.

Strict vegetarians have lower tendency towards gambling.

Vegetarians showed less interest in alcohol, gambling, betel nuts and cigarettes, with the male pattern glaringly stronger than the female pattern regarding these effects.