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  • 研究生:邱光耀
  • 論文名稱:台灣民眾對外遇的看法
  • 指導教授:蔡明璋
  • 關鍵詞:家庭價值觀
  • 「外遇」是古今中外一直存在的問題,不論時代如何變遷,社會再怎麼轉變,只要是兩性的社會,這個問題必然存在。




  • Extramarital affairs is an important subject for we to discuss, This study attempts to investigate the relationship between the one who was married and the cognitive attitude toward extramarital relationship.

The data is regard to the National Science Council of Academia Sinica initiated Taiwan Social Change Survey, designed as a full survey to study other social

Phenomenon that are important to the social sciences in Taiwan.

Yet, the results from the analysis of this data give important indications of the relationship of various demographic variables with the likelihood of infidelity. It allows us to engage in a more comprehensive attitude analysis of a topic that had been previously approached only from psychological or behavioral perspectives.

Many of findings in this analysis are consistent with those from a slightly

different but related survey in recently, which asked participants whether they had engaged in extramarital behavior.This survey had found more significant links between family value and infidelity. The data was completed in 2012, I had used the follow methods to analyze those data, which were anova, Chi Square test , Cross-over analysis , Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Analysis, Regression Analysis , The findings show that sexual orientation and extramarital affairs has more significant effects on the couple who had high education are seems to tolerant extramarital. there are more significant effects on family value that oppose Decriminalization of adultery , though there are so many analysis say both men and women were oppose to extramarital relationship, but women more.