Yin-Zu Chen, Yow-Suen Sen and Ya-Chi Chen had published an article called “The Logic of Collective Violence in Street Protest” at Taiwanese Journal of Sociology in 2011. They collected the data for the period between 1997 and 2006 from Taiwan Television’s News Audiovisual Database and tried to explain why the collective violence occurred in street protests. Their research found that the context which constituted by the characteristics, actions and interactions of the three major parties (protestors, police and protest targets) is one of the key points. The results indicated that a medium-sized group of protestors (100 to 999), enterprises as protest targets, a rally with minimum organizational structure could raise the possibility of violence in street protest. Since the data they used was almost 10 years ago, it is time to reexamine the adequacy of the theoretical model and the results for the current protests. And this is the aim of this study. Using the same database I selected protest events between 2007 and 2012. The result of my analysis indicates that the government as protest target, the environment protection as protest purpose, and severe police intervention are factors that would predict the protest violence.