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  • 研究生:黃淑如
  • 論文名稱:職業婦女哺乳行為認知初探
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵詞:母乳哺育、職業婦女、社會支持
  • 本研究旨在探討職業婦女母乳哺餵行為及相關因素,採研究者自編「職業婦女哺餵母乳行為及其相關因素調查問卷」作為研究工具,並利用立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷共計325份。問卷設計依據研究架構,共分三大部分,第一部分為「哺餵母乳行為認知量表」,第二部分為「哺餵母乳社會支持量表」,第三部分為「個人背景變項」。



  • The purpose of this study is to investigate career women's breastfeeding behavior and related factors. I gathered data by distributing a questionnaire titled “Career women breastfeeding behavior” to a sample of 325 women. The questionnaire is divided into three parts: 1) Breastfeeding behavior and cognition, 2) Social support for breastfeeding, and 3) Individual Socio-demographic Background Variables.

This study found that career women breastfeed based on “personal values orientation,” namely that they identify breastfeeding as “the best method to provide nutrition for the baby.” However, in the “workplace environment dimension,” career women state that “workplace policy is supportive of breastfeeding” in determining their decision to breastfeed. The study also found that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between behavior cognition and social support with career women’s breastfeeding behavior.

Controlling for individual variables, and using various dimensions of social support as a predictor for overall breastfeeding behavior, a stepwise regression analysis found that amongst social support in “social environment,” “health care,” “workplace environment,” “family support” and “government supportive policy,” all had predictive power on breastfeeding behavior and cognition, with “social environment support” with the highest predictive power.