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  • 研究生:羅紹華
  • 論文名稱:台灣民眾的社會信任與政治信任
  • 指導教授:沈幼蓀
  • 關鍵詞:社會信任、政治信任
  • 政治文化論的觀點認為個人的社會信任程度是解釋其政治信任程度高低的主要因素,但相關實證研究的結果卻有所分歧,且無法具有肯定的說服力。因此本研究以2012年「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」的全國性樣本資料進行分析,並根據相關文獻探討的結果,將性別、年齡、教育程度、族群、城鄉、人性善惡、自評階級與政黨傾向等個人社會背景因素納入分析,來探討各變項與社會信任及政治信任之間的關聯性。研究結果發現,個人的社會信任程度愈高,則其政治信任程度也愈高。因此,本研究基本上也支持政治文化論對於政治信任的解釋,也就是,政治信任是社會信任的延伸,當個人的社會信任程度愈高,則其政治信任程度也愈高。但在本文分析資料中,對於性別、教育程度及族群的部分,尚無法依政治文化論的觀點獲得合理的解釋。而此相關矛盾的現象,也說明了政治文化論對於政治信任的解釋仍有其侷限性,或也表示個人的社會信任尚無法完全地轉嫁到個人的政治信任之上。因此,本研究或可說明社會信任與政治信任之間的關係以及其間的轉換機制仍有待後續更多的實證分析加以研究探討。
  • According to the political-cultural approach, individual's level of social trust is the main factor to explain individual's level of political trust. But the results of empirical research are somewhat differentiated with no conclusive verdict. Based on data from 2012 Taiwan Social Change Survey, this study analyzed the personal background factors including gender, age, education level, ethnicity, resident area, belief on human nature, self-evaluated social standing, and political inclination, to explore the relevance of each variable on personal social trust and political trust. Our findings suggest: 1) Personal social trust had significant positive effects on political trust. 2) The effect of gender, education level and ethnic background could not be reasonably explained by the political-cultural approach. 3) The explanation of relevance between social trust and political trust by the political-culture approach has its limitations, because individual's social trust could not be fully passed on to the individual's political trust. Therefore, this study shows that more studies are needed in order to explore the conversion mechanism between social trust and political trust.