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  • 研究生:楊皓程
  • 論文名稱:網咖是青少年沉淪的淵藪?~論青少年網咖沉迷與偏差行為之關聯
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵詞:網咖沉迷、青少年偏差行為、臺灣青少年成長歷程研究
  • 網際網路的運用在現代人的日常生活中已然成為不可或缺的重要部分,其所蘊藏大量而豐富的資訊,對於充滿好奇、追求新鮮的青少年而言,更有難以抗拒的吸引力,從聊天室交友到刺激有趣的網路遊戲,不但讓青少年趨之若鶩,更衍生出特殊的「網咖」文化。由於網咖提供高速頻寬的設備,又免受父母的監控,因此成為青少年喜愛聚集的新興場所;然而,從許多媒體報導得知,許多中輟青少年逗留沉迷於網咖,由於涉世未深且易受到同儕引誘,容易接觸菸、酒、毒品,或是被不良份子吸收涉入幫派、從事詐騙、賣淫的非法行為,對青少年所潛藏的社會危害已是刻不容緩、必須正視的問題。
  • The Internet has played an important role in youngersters’ daily life. All kinds of Chatrooms and a variety of online games, for instances, have attracted teenagers to Internet. Providing with high-quality equipment and high-end computers, Internet Café become the favored places for teenagers to get together and hang around. However, as we read from newspapers and relevant reports, many teenagers who dropped out from school often hang around at Internet Café. Some of dropouts are encouraged and seduced by peers to smoke, drink and take drugs. Others may join gansters or be recruited and commit crimes such as fraud and prostitution. It has become a social issue that we have to face and deal with.
    However, plaiying online games and making friends should have been the normal and healthy recreaction and social activities respectively. How come Internet Café becomes the place where teenagers make crimes? Or the deviance of teenagers occurs due to other reasons?
    In accordance with “differential association theory” of Edwin H. Sutherland, teengers’ deviance is learned through interaction with others who have motivies for criminal behavior. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal groups, peers, for instance. Internet Café is an ideal place for teenagers to learn from and be influencd by one another because they spend most of the time hanging together. However, the differential asscociation theory may not be sufficient to explain why the deviance of teengers is caused by their staying at Internet Café. According to Travis Hirschi‘s social control theory, teenagers’ attachment to parents and school is the bond to conventional society. Therefore, when the relationship between parents and child does not go well and the connection between school and student is weak, teenagers may turn to the friends they make at Internet Café to get comfort and support. This study examines the causes of teenagers’ deviance and explores the role that Internet Café plays in causing the deviance.
    Data analyzed in this study were collected from the research project “Project of Taiwan Youth’s Growth Process”, which was sponsored by the Academai Sinica (AS-93-TP-C01) and conducted by the Institute of Cociology, Academia Sinica and directed by Dr. Chin-Chun Yi. The subjects of this study are the data of the stage 1 phase 4 of “2002 evaulation and survey of teenagers’ healthy behavior”, randomly sampling from the senior high students in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Ilan County. Effective samples are 2,354. The data of this study is analyzed by Pearson' correlation and regression model to assay with SPSS. This study examines the influence of parents’ attachment, school attachment, deviant peers and social-economic status on teenagers’ deviance. This study also examines the influence of Internet Café.
    The result of this study has shown that the deviance of teenages is caused by their relationship and interaction with their parents and peers. The more peers taking drugs, the easier the deviance of teenagers occurs. Also, the relationship between parents and children and parents’ commitment have influence on the deviance of teenagers. Teenagers’ hanging around at Internet Café may not be as influential as peers, but it still plays an important role in causing deviance. The more teenagers hang around Internet Café, the more chance they learn the deviance. Therefore, regulating Internet Café properly, watching teenagers’ behavior, parenting and parents’ accompany would be critical to prevent the deviance.