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  • 研究生:謝雨純
  • 論文名稱:你信你所吟:從詩歌看台灣基督長老教會的變遷──由信徒角度出發
  • 指導教授:郭文般
  • 關鍵詞:台灣基督長老教會、聖詩、宗教變遷、社會網絡分析
  • 台灣基督長老教會在台灣已有 150 年的歷史,無論在政治、教育、醫療以及各種社會服務,都可以看得到它的蹤影。然而有關長老教會近幾十年來的研究, 有關長老教會一般信徒的信仰內涵,以及這些內涵如何與社會互動、隨時間改變的相關研究,並不多見。本研究收集台灣北中南三地共 11 間教會,自 1966 至 2013 年的週報資料,分析歷年信徒在禮拜當中所唱的詩歌──一個相較於聖經或牧師講道,更能深入大部分信徒信仰世界的文本,企圖捕捉這 48 年來長老教會一般信徒信仰世界的樣貌與動態。作者挑選出歷年在禮拜中最常被唱的聖詩進行文本分析,從中歸納出重要概念,計算不同時期最常出現的概念,並運用社會網
  • It has been over 150 years since The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)
    established which has played an important role in many sphere like politics, education,
    medicine and other social services in Taiwan society. However, most studies of PCT
    focus on their political participation, some focus on the development of other
    dimensions, but little did PCT membership’ church life seen in recent studies.
    Data cross 48 years were collected from 11 churches located in the north, middle, and southern Taiwan and were divided into 8 periods according the evangelized movements of PCT. Using the documents of weekly services, this study picked up the most popular hymns of each period into analysis. Researcher use textual analysis and social network analysis to examine the structures of concepts of the PCT membership’s church life in different periods. It was found that normal church life of the membership of PCT is not completely corresponding to the state -church relationship. The pattern of the normal church life of PCT was effected by the evangelizing movements that PCT has pushed, the influence of other demonstrations, and the needs of the members hip of PCT under different social context.