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  • 研究生:潘美慧
  • 論文名稱:多子多孫多福氣?國內有、無子女者之生活滿意度比較
  • 指導教授:楊文山
  • 關鍵詞:無子女、生命歷程、生活滿意度
  • 中文摘要:「不孝有三,無後為大」向來是華人社會重要的家庭價值觀,但國內生育率自1984年首度跌破人口替代水準後,少子女化現象日益嚴重,甚至被比擬為「國安問題」,然而國內尚未有針對無子女者其生活滿意度探討之全國性研究。因此,本研究採用中央研究院2011年「台灣社會變遷基本調查」第六期第二次家庭組調查資料,並以生命歷程理論出發,試圖了解生理層面(生育狀態)及社會層面(居住狀態)有、無子女者之生活滿意度,是否因年齡、世代的不同而有顯著差異。

研究結果顯示,不論是生理或是社會層面之有子女者,其生活滿意度皆 會隨著年齡增加而高於無子女者;至於是否與子女同住的居住狀態,對於傳 統世代人們生活滿意度的影響,則是高於嬰兒潮世代、新人類世代以及新新 人類世代。研究結果符合華人社會中「有子萬事足」、「多子多孫多福氣」之傳統觀念。

  • There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants.” has always been an important family value in Chinese society. However, the total fertility rate in Taiwan had fallen below the fertility replacement rate since 1984. The growing phenomenon of the trend of fewer children has even been considered as "national security issues". Furthermore, we have yet to find a national wide study of the comparison between parenthood and childlessness. We references Academia Sinica's 2011 Taiwan Social Change Survey(Round 6,Year 2): Family in order to probe the life satisfaction between parenthood and childlessness(both birth and residential status) based on life course theory. The study also discusses if the well-being of parenthood and childlessness would show significant differences due to age and generation.
    The result showed that the life satisfaction of parenthood would be higher than childlessness as the age increases, and the result applies to both birth status and residential status. The residential status would have larger impact on life satisfaction in traditional generation than in baby boomers, X generation, and Y generation. The study states that having more children would increase the life satisfaction in Chinese society and meet the value such as “having son, I'm content with life” and “A large family is a sign of good fortune”.