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(碩專班:黃繹修) (指導教授:楊文山)


  • 研究生:黃繹修
  • 論文名稱: 職場工作者的社會資本與工作滿意度研究
  • 指導教授: 楊文山
  • 關鍵字:   社會資本、工作滿意度、工作發展性、受僱者、介紹人、強連結、弱連結
  • 職場工作者隨著社會型態改變及產業轉型,職場人脈的經營也變的複雜很多,運用社會資本可能達到協助社會內的成員達到某些利己目的,進而使求職者運用各種管道去找到理想的職缺,然而並不代表找到的工作一定具有良好的工作滿意,人們究竟是通過何種關係尋找工作管道?找到工作其後續薪資、工作滿意度與工作發展性表現又是如何?是本研究關心的問題。本研究台灣地區社會變遷基本調查第四期第三次計劃社會階層組資料之問卷調查為數據來源,研究結果顯示:教育程度較高且常常與介紹人相聚(強連結)所介紹的職業也許不是管理職務,但是所介紹的職業其工作滿意度及工作發展性相對較高,進而使受僱者在工作滿意度上多呈現正向相關;任職公部門之受僱者因為陞遷制度以及薪給制度均有法律規定及保障,所以工作滿意度較高;要取得管理職務者,在個人特性中包含了男性、年齡較大者、已婚、教育程度較高與私部門服務者。
  • Abstract

    As the society changes and industries transform, personal network at workplace has become more complicated today. Members in the society can use their social capital to their advantage and job applicants make use of all channels to identify their ideal job openings. However, the jobs they found does not always provide high job satisfaction. Through what ties do people find a channel for job possibilities? What are their salary, job satisfaction and job potential after they are employed? This study attempts to answer these questions. The data used in this study was from the questionnaire survey data from the Social Change Basic Survey in Taiwan, Phase Four, Third Program-Social Stratum. Our results indicated that job openings recommended to people with higher education who meet their references often (a strong tie) are not necessarily management positions but their job satisfaction and the potential for job advancement are relatively higher, leading to the mostly positive relations in employees’job satisfaction; job satisfaction is higher for employees in the public sector because there is regulation to stipulate and protect their promotional system and salary system; the personal characteristics for people in management positions include being male, older, married, with higher education and in the private sector.