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(碩專班:黃佳玲) (指導教授:楊文山)


  • 研究生:黃佳玲
  • 論文名稱: 父母期望、師生線與公私立國三學生偏差行為之關聯性研究
  • 指導教授: 楊文山
  • 關鍵字:   公私立、父母期望、師生關係、偏差行為
  • 公、私立學生在偏差行為表現上是否有差異?學生的父母期望、師生關係與偏差行為又有何關聯?是本研究欲探討的重點。

    本研究資料來自「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)之第二波學生與家長問卷,研究對象為台灣地區2003就讀國中三年級學生。抽樣以「多階段分層抽樣」方式進行,樣本數為19753 名學生,將所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法處理與分析。


  • Abstract

    Is there any difference between students of public and private schools in terms of deviant behaviors? Do parental expectations and teacher-student relationship affect deviant behaviors? The two questions above are the main focus of this study.

    The data in this study was drawn from a large national data base, the second wave questionnaires for students and parents of Taiwan Education Panel Study (TEPS) 2003. The sample of this study is consisted of 19,753 ninth-graders in Taiwan. Multi-stage stratified sampling is applied in this study. All data collected for this research is processed and analyzed via methods such as descriptive statistics, independent samples T-test, Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis.

    Results show that: (a) There are different types of deviant behaviors for public and private school students: there is a higher frequency for public school students to cheat in exams, skip classes or play truant; private school students consume pornographic video or online pornography more frequently. (b) Parental expectations have different impact on different deviant behaviors such as cheating, truancy, fighting, and consumption of pornography. (c) Teacher-student relationship has different impact on deviant behavior such as cheating, truancy, fighting, and consumption of pornography.

    Keyword: Private and public schools, parental expectation, teacher-student relationship, deviant behavior.