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(碩專班:黃商娟) (指導教授:楊文山)


  • 研究生:黃商娟
  • 論文名稱: 台灣地區網路使用行為因素及影響之探討
  • 指導教授: 楊文山
  • 關鍵字:   網路特性、網路動機、網路使用行為、人際傳播
  • 根據TWNIC 2012年3月「寬頻網路使用調查 」報告,全國地區上網人口約有1,753萬,上網率達75.44%,上網已經成為現代人重要的休閒活動之一,期望透過研究深入暸解網路使用者心理需求層面,藉此能協助網路使用者學習適當的網路行為,抱持適宜網路使用心態,能正確擁有網路帶來的便利和資訊豐富性。




  • Abstract

    The main research question of this thesis includes the demographic variable of Network users, characteristic of Network, and what the motivation of Network about? How to affect the use of Network behavior respectively? And try to explore the impact of the Network using for interpersonal transmission and uses of other traditional media.

    Use the data of “Taiwan Social Change Survey Program: Fifth Fourth (Questionnaire: The Group of Mass communication), and aim at population analysis of Network using in Taiwan. The total Network user sample size is 1076. The results show that both “Age” and “Education” can clearly explain the behavior of relative network using in demographic variable. The liked-direction of Characteristic of Network is the highest characteristics among all. People have the highest motivation for using Network as tools.

    Using Network does not necessarily affect the situation of interpersonal communication, but presents the positive relationship. The most part of the primary group of family, relatives and friends still maintain face-to-face communication, on the contrary, other secondary groups use delivery tools as their medium of communication. The conflict between Network and traditional media should be the allocation of time. At the aspect of function, people who can use Network also can use traditional media, and both of them are the same needs but not replace with each other.