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(碩專班:鄭婷尹) (指導教授:張清富)

  • 研究生: 鄭婷尹
  • 論文名稱: 臺灣原住民族貧窮因素之研究
  • 指導教授: 張清富
  • 關鍵字:   原住民、貧窮


    Taiwan indigenous peoples’ employment survey report shows that their labor force participation rate is higher than that of the general population. However, their average monthly salary is less than half of the general employees because most of them are engaged in manufacturing, construction industry, agriculture and fishery. These jobs are usually low-skilled, high physical and high-risk, low development and high unemployment risk.
    Using the data of the Taiwan Indigenous People Survey (TIPS), this paper tries to explain the factors affecting their poverty. Attempting to analyze the Taiwan indigenous peoples’ poverty from poverty-related theories, the research uses respondents’ personal backgrounds, their personal capital and family structure as independent variables, working status as an intervening variable, and poverty as the dependent variable. Because the dependent variable is dichotomous scale, so logical regressions are employed in the study.
    The results show that the level of education, mental health, and family structure directly influence the family poverty besides of age and area of residence. Gender, health, and interpersonal networks of job search affect the family poverty through working status. In addition, there are many factors causing Taiwan indigenous peoples’ poverty. Follow-up studies need to strengthen the analysis of labor market structure, environmental factors, and even historical perspective.